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gourd tree

  • 1 gourd tree

    English-russian biological dictionary > gourd tree

  • 2 gourd tree

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > gourd tree

  • 3 tree

    tree дерево
    tree of evil fame анчар, антиарис ядовитый, Antiaris toxicaria
    tree of heaven айлант желёзковый, Ailanthus glandulosa; айлан высочайший, Ailanthus altissima
    allied tree хакея колючая, Hakea acicularis
    allspice tree душистый перец, Pimenta officinalis
    American plane tree платан западный, Platanus occidentalis
    American tree рябина мелкометельчатая, Sorbus scopulina
    Amoor cork tree амурское пробковое дерево, бархатное дерево, Phellodendron amurense
    apple tree яблоня, Malus
    argan tree железное дерево, Argania sideroxylon
    ash tree ясень, Fraxinus
    bay tree лавр благородный, Laurus nobilis; калифорнийский лавр, Umbellularia californica
    bay-rum tree дикое гвоздичное дерево, Pimenta racemosa
    beam tree рябина ария, Sorbus aria
    bean tree золотой дождь, бобовник анагиролистный, Laburnum anagyroides
    beaver tree магнолия виргинская, Magnolia virginiana
    bergamot tree бергамот настоящий, Citrus bergamia
    black-damar canary tree канариум прямой, Canarium strictum
    bo tree фикус священный, Ficus religiosa
    bottle tree стеркулия, Sterculia
    box tree самшит вечнозелёный, Buxus sempervirens
    Brazil nut tree бразильский орех, Bertholletia excelsa
    breadfruit tree хлебное дерево цельнолистное, Artocarpus integrifolia
    buckwheat tree клифтония однолистная, Cliftonia monophylla
    bushy trees низкорослые деревья
    butter tree 1. бассия широколистная, Bassia latifolia; 2. мадука индийская, Madhuca indica
    button tree жимолость, Lonicera
    cabbage tree капустное дерево, андира, Andira
    cajeput tree каяпутовое дерево, мелалеука бледнодревесная, Melaleuca leucodendron
    California big tree секвойя гигантская, Sequoia gigantea
    camphor tree коричник камфарный, камфарный лавр, Cinnamomum camphora
    candle tree катальпа, Catalpa
    candleberry tree свечное дерево, Aleurites moluccana
    canopy trees деревья с хорошо развитой кроной
    caoutchouc tree гевея бразильская, Hevea brasiliensis
    carob tree рожковое дерево, Ceratonia siliqua
    carrot tree морковное дерево, Melanoselinum edule
    cassia-bark tree коричник кассия, Cinnamomum cassia
    castor-bean tree клещевина обыкновенная, Ricinus communis
    cat tree бересклет европейский, Euonymus europaeus
    chacker tree рябина глоговина, берека лечебная, Sorbus torminalis
    chaste tree прутняк обыкновенный, Vitex agnus-castus
    cherry tree вишня, Cerasus
    China tree мелия иранская, сирень персидская, Melia azedarach
    China wood oil tree тунг горный, Aleurites montana
    chinaberry tree мелия иранская, сирень персидская, Melia azedarach
    Chinese angelica tree аралия китайская, Aralia chinensis
    Chinese scholar tree софора японская, Sophora japonica
    Chinese tallow tree китайское сальное дерево, Sapium sebiferum
    chinquapin tree 1. каштан, Castanea; 2. кастанопсис, Castanopsis
    cider tree эвкалипт Гунни, Eucalyptus gunnii
    clearing nut tree чилибуха картофельная, Strychnos potaturum
    clove tree гвоздичное дерево, Eugenia caryophyllata
    coffee tree кофейное дерево, Coffea arabica
    cola-nut tree кола блестящая, кола культурная, Cola nitida
    common calabash tree горлянковое дерево обыкновенное, Crescentia cujete
    coral tree 1. эритрина, коралловое дерево, Erythrina corallodendron; 2. конфетное дерево, Hovenia dulcis
    cork tree 1. амурское пробковое дерево, бархатное дерево, Phellodendron amurense; 2. пробковый дуб, Quercus suber
    coro tree молочное дерево, Brosimum galactodendron
    cotton-seed tree бакхарис лебедолистная, Baccharis halimifolia
    cow tree молочное дерево, Brosimum galactodendron
    cranberry tree калина обыкновенная, Viburnum opulus
    cucumber tree магнолия остроконечная, огуречное дерево, Magnolia acuminata
    currant tree ирга промежуточная, Amelanchier intermedia
    curry-leaf tree муррая Кёнига, Murraya koenigii
    dead standing trees сухостойные деревья
    defective trees фаутные деревья
    dogberry tree дёрен отпрысковый, кизил, Cornus stolonifera
    dove tree давидия обвёрточная, Davidia involucrata
    dragon tree драконово дерево, драцена драконовая, Dracaena draco
    Elb tree унаби христовы тернии, Ziziphus spina-christi
    elemi canary tree канариум, Canarium
    elfin trees угнетённые деревья альпийского леса
    epaulette tree птеростиракс косматый, Pterostyrax hispida
    fan-trained trees деревья с веерообразной кроной
    fever tree пинкнея опушённая, Pinckneya pubens
    flag-shaped trees флагообразные деревья
    flame tree делоникс царственный, Delonix regia
    foliage trees лиственные деревья
    fringe tree хионантус виргинский, снежное дерево, Chionanthus virginica
    genealogical tree генеалогическое дерево
    gnarly tree шлейхера масличная, Schleichera trijuga
    golddust tree аукуба японская, мраморное дерево (Aucuba japonica var. variegata)
    goldenrain tree кельрейтерия метельчатая, Koelreuteria japonica
    goldenrod tree бозеа, Bosea
    gourd tree горлянковое дерево обыкновенное, Crescentia cujete
    grass tree желтосмолка, Xanthorrhoea
    groundsel tree бакхарис, Baccharis
    gum Arabic tree акация аравийская, Acacia arabica
    gum tree эвкалипт, Eucalyptus
    gutta-percha tree гуттаперчевое дерево, паляквиум, Palaquium gutta
    haw tree боярышник однопестичный, Crataegus monogyna
    heath tree ерика древовидная, Erica arborea
    hop tree птелея, вязовик, Ptelea
    horse radish tree моринга, Moringa
    huanuco cocaine tree кокаиновый куст, Erythroxylum coca
    incense tree 1. босвеллия, Boswellia; 2. канариум Швайнфурта, Canarium schweinfurtii
    jack tree хлебное дерево цельнолистное, Artocarpus integrifolia
    Jamaica birch tree бурсера, Bursera
    Japan wood-oil tree тунг японский, тунг сердцевидный, Aleurites cordata
    Japanese angelica tree аралия высокая, Aralia elata
    Japanese pagoda tree софора японская, Sophora japonica
    Joshua tree юкка древовидная, Iucca arborescens
    Judas tree иудино дерево, багряник стручковатый, Cercis siliquastrum
    kamala tree малотус филиппинский, камала, Mallotus philippinensis
    katsura tree багряник японский, Cercidiphyllum japonicum
    kidney-bean tree вистерия кустарниковая, Wisteria frutescens
    king tree мора высокая, Dimorphandra mora
    kusso tree хагения абиссинская, Hagenia abyssinica
    laburnum tree бобовник анагиролистный, Laburnum anagyroides
    lacquer tree лаковое дерево, сумах лаконосный, Rhus vernicifera
    large-leaved tree магнолия крупнолистная, Magnolia macrophylla
    late tree железное дерево, каркас западный, Celtis occidentalis
    lettuce tree шпинатное дерево, Pisonia alba
    limburger tree моринда лимонолистная, Morinda citrifolia
    lime tree 1. тюльпанное дерево, жёлтый тополь, лириодендрон тюльпанный, Liriodendron tulipifera; 2. липа американская, Tilia americana
    lodged trees зависшие деревья
    lotus tree хурма виргинская, Diospyros virginiana
    maidenhair tree гинкго двухлопастный, Ginkgo biloba
    mammoth tree секвойядендрон гигантский, Sequoiadendron giganteum
    mangle tree мангровое дерево, Rhizorhora mangle
    mastic tree фисташка мастичная, Pistacia lentiscus
    mealy tree калина гордовина, Viburnum lanata
    melon tree дынное дерево обыкновенное, Carica papaya
    milk tree бросимум полезный, Brosimum utile
    mole tree молочай чины, Euphorbia lathyrus
    monkey-bread tree баобаб адансония, Adansonia
    monkey-nut tree липа американская, Tilia americana
    monkey-puzzle tree араукария чилийская, Araucaria araucana
    monocormic trees деревья с одной главной осью и боковыми ветвями
    mother tree семенное дерево, семенник
    mutmeg tree мускатное дерево душистое, Myristica fragrans
    myrrh tree коммифора, Commiphora
    neem tree азадирахта индийская, Azadirachta indica
    nettle tree железное дерево, каркас западный, Celtis occidentalis
    New Zealand fuchsia tree фуксия кожистая, Fuchsia excorticata
    nickar tree бундук двудомный, шикот, Gymnocladus dioica
    nitta tree паркия двужелёзковая, Pardia biglandulata
    nut trees орехоплодные деревья
    opossum tree амбровое дерево, стираксовое дерево, ликвидамбар смолоносный, Liquidambar styraciflua
    orange tree апельсиновое дерево, Citrus sinensis
    orange-flower tree трескун пекинский, Ligustrina pekinensis
    ordeal tree эритрофлеум гвинейский, Erythrophloeum guinense
    pagoda tree софора японская, Sophora japonica
    paradise tree симаруба сизая, Simarouba glauca
    parent tree семенное дерево, семенник
    pear tree груша, Pyrus
    pecan tree кария пекан, Carya pecan
    pepper tree перечное дерево, Piper
    Phoenix tree фирмиана платанолистная, Firmiana platanifolia
    phylogenetic tree эвол филогенетическое дерево
    pick tree аралия колючая, Aralia spinosa
    pigeon tree аралия колючая, Aralia spinosa
    pincushion tree калина обыкновенная, Viburnum opulus
    pine tree сосна, Pinus
    pipe tree сирень обыкновенная, Syringa vulgaris
    pipperidge tree барбарис обыкновенный, Berberis vulgaris
    plane tree платан западный, Platanus occidentalis
    planer tree планера водная, Planera aquatica
    poison tree сумах лаковый, Rhus vernix
    pomegranate tree гранат, Punica
    punk tree каяпутовое дерево, мелалеука бледнодревесная, Melaleuca leucodendron
    purslane tree портулакария, Portulacaria
    quince tree айва продолговатая, Cydonia oblonga
    quinine tree вязовик, птелея трёхлистная, Ptelea trifoliata
    rain tree 1. дождевое дерево, Enterrolobium saman; 2. брунфельзия, Brunfelsia; 3. саман, Samanea saman
    raisin tree смородина обыкновенная, Ribes vulgare
    red water tree эритрофлеум гвинейский, Erythrophloeum guinense
    red-bark devil's tree афрормозия высокая, Afrormosia elata
    resin tree протиум, Protium
    respiratory trees водные лёгкие (у голотурий)
    rowan tree рябина обыкновенная, Sorbus aucuparia
    rubber tree хевея, Hevea
    salad tree церцис канадский, Cercis canadensis
    salt tree галимодендрон, Halimodendron; чамыш серебристый, чингиль серебристый, Halimodendron halodendron
    sandal tree сандорик индийский, Sandoricum indicum
    sandpaper tree 1. курателла американская, Curatella americana; 2. дилления шероховатая, Dillenia scabrella
    sausage tree кигелия эфиопская, колбасное дерево, Kigelia aethiopica
    sawara tree кипарисовник горохоплодный, Chamaecyparis pisifera
    screw tree геликтерес, Helicteres
    seed tree семенное дерево, семенник
    service tree 1. ирга канадская, Amelanchier canadensis; 2. рябина домашняя, Sorbus domestica
    shaped trees формованные деревья
    shea-butter tree масляное дерево, ши, Butyrospermum
    showball tree калина обыкновенная махровая (Viburnum opulus f. sterilis)
    silk tree шёлковая акация, альбиция ленкоранская, Albizzia julibrissin
    silk-tassel tree гаррия, Garrya
    silver tree 1. лейкодендрон серебристый, Leucodendron argenteum; 2. австралийский гикори, Tarrietea argyrodendron
    silver-bell tree халезия каролинская, Halesia carolina
    slipper tree бовкерия, Bowkeria
    smoke tree скумпия, желтинник, Cotinus coggygria
    snag tree нисса лесная, Nyssa sylvatica
    snakewood tree цекропия, Cecropia
    snow-flower tree хионантус виргинский, снежное дерево, Chionanthus virginica
    snowdrop tree халезия каролинская, Halesia carolina
    soapbark tree квилайя, Quillaja
    soapberry tree мыльное дерево, сапиндус мыльный, Sapindus saponaria
    soapnut tree мыльное дерево выемчатое, Sapindus emarginatus
    sorrel tree 1. лиония мариана, Lyonia mariana; 2. оксидендрум древовидный, Oxydeyndrum; Oxydendrum arboreum
    sorrowless tree сарака, Saraca
    spikenard tree аралия колючая, Aralia spinosa
    spindle tree бересклет европейский, Euonymus europaeus
    sponge-berry tree хиднокарпус, Hydnocarpus
    staff tree древогубец лазящий, Celastrus scandens
    stag-headed trees суховершинные деревья
    star tree астрониум, Astronium
    strawberry tree 1. бересклет тёмно-багряный, Euonymus atropurpurea; 2. земляничное дерево крупноплодное, Arbutus unedo
    strychnine tree рвотный орех, Strychnos nux-vomica
    stunted tree корявый подрост; угнетённый подрост
    subordinate trees подчинённые деревья
    sugar tree клён сахарный, Acer saccharum
    sugar-plum tree лагунария, Lagunaria
    suppressed trees угнетённые деревья
    tea tree лептоспермум метловидный, Leptospermum scoparium
    three-leaved hop tree птелея трёхлистная, Ptelea trifoliata
    tile tree липа разнолистная, Tilia heterophylla
    tolu tree бальзамное дерево толу, Myroxylon balsamum
    toothache tree 1. зантоксилюм американский, Zanthoxylum americanum; 2. аралия колючая, Aralia spinosa
    Tower-of-Pisa tree платилофус трёхлистный, Platylophus trifoliatus
    traveller's tree равенала мадагаскарская, дерево путешественников, Ravenala madagascariensis
    treap tree хлебное дерево цельнолистное, Artocarpus integrifolia
    trumpet tree 1. табебуйя, Tabebuia; 2. цекропия пальмовидная, Cecropia palmata
    tufted trees неветвящиеся деревья
    tulip tree тюльпанное дерево, жёлтый тополь, лириодендрон тюльпанный, Liriodendron tulipifera
    tung tree тунг, Aleurites
    turkeyberry tree кордия помещённая, Cordia colococca
    turpentine tree кевовое дерево, фисташка туполистная, Pistacia mutica
    umbrella tree 1. магнолия трёхлепестная, Magnolia tripetala; 2. дёрен очереднолистный, Cornus albernifolia
    unlucky tree сосна Банкса, Pinus banksiana
    upas tree анчар, антиарис ядовитый, Antiaris toxicaria
    vanilla tree ванильное дерево платанолистное, Vanilla planifolia
    varnish tree свечное дерево, Aleurites moluccana
    vinegar tree сумах голый, Rhus glabra
    wax tree сумах сочный, Rhus succedanea
    wayfaring tree калина ольхолистная, Viburnum alnifolium; калина гордовина, Viburnum lantana
    weed tree дерево-сорняк
    weeping trees плакучие деревья
    whitebeam tree рябина ария, рябина круглолистная, Sorbus aria
    wild China tree сапиндус Друммонда, Sapindus drummondii
    wild service tree рябина глоговина, берека лечебная, Sorbus torminalis
    wilding tree яблоня дикая, яблоня лесная, Malus silvestris
    windfallen trees валежник
    windthrown trees валежник
    winged spindle tree бересклет крылатый, Eunumus alata
    winter's bark tree дримус Винтера, Drimus winteri
    wolf trees разросшиеся деревья
    yew tree тис, Taxus

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > tree

  • 4 tree

    3) взбираться на дерево, влезать на дерево
    - allspice tree
    - American plane tree
    - American tree
    - Amoor cork tree
    - apple tree
    - argan tree
    - ash tree
    - bay tree
    - bay-rum tree
    - beam tree
    - bean tree
    - beaver tree
    - bergamot tree
    - black-damar canary tree
    - bo tree
    - border tree
    - bottle tree
    - box tree
    - branching tree
    - Brasil nut tree
    - breadfruit tree
    - buckwheat tree
    - bushy trees
    - butter tree
    - button tree
    - cabbage tree
    - cajeput tree
    - California big tree
    - camphor tree
    - candle tree
    - candleberry tree
    - canopy trees
    - caoutchouc tree
    - carob tree
    - carrot tree
    - cassia-bark tree
    - castor-bean tree
    - cat tree
    - chaste tree
    - checker tree
    - cherry tree
    - China tree
    - China wood oil tree
    - chinaberry tree
    - Chinese angelica tree
    - Chinese scholar tree
    - Chinese tallow tree
    - chinquapin tree
    - cider tree
    - clearing nut tree
    - clove tree
    - coffee tree
    - cola-nut tree
    - common calabash tree
    - common smoke tree
    - consensus tree
    - coral tree
    - cork tree
    - coro tree
    - cotton-seed tree
    - cow tree
    - cranberry tree
    - cucumber tree
    - currant tree
    - curry-leaf tree
    - dead standing trees
    - decoy tree
    - defective trees
    - dogberry tree
    - dove tree
    - dragon tree
    - drumstick tree
    - elemi canary tree
    - elfin trees
    - epaulette tree
    - fan-trained trees
    - fever tree
    - flag-shaped tree
    - flame tree
    - foliage tree
    - fringe tree
    - fruit tree
    - genealogic tree
    - genealogical tree
    - gnarly tree
    - goldenrain tree
    - goldenrod tree
    - gourd tree
    - grass tree
    - groundsel tree
    - gum Arabic tree
    - gum tree
    - gutta-percha tree
    - haw tree
    - heath tree
    - hollow tree
    - hop tree
    - horseradish tree
    - huanuco cocaine tree
    - incense tree
    - jack tree
    - Jamaica birch tree
    - Japan wood-oil tree
    - Japanese angelica tree
    - Japanese pagoda tree
    - Joshua tree
    - Judas tree
    - kamala tree
    - katsura tree
    - kidney-bean tree
    - king tree
    - kusso tree
    - laburnum tree
    - lacquer tree
    - large-leaved tree
    - late tree
    - lettuce tree
    - limburger tree
    - lime tree
    - lodged tree
    - lotus tree
    - maidenhair tree
    - mammoth tree
    - mangle tree
    - mastic tree
    - mealy tree
    - melon tree
    - mignonette tree
    - milk tree
    - mole tree
    - monkey-bread tree
    - monkey-nut tree
    - monkey-puzzle tree
    - monocormic trees
    - mother tree
    - myrrh tree
    - myrtle tree
    - neem tree
    - nettle tree
    - New Zealand fuchsia tree
    - nickar tree
    - nitta tree
    - nut trees
    - nytmed tree
    - opossum tree
    - orange tree
    - orange-flower tree
    - ordeal tree
    - ornamental tree
    - pagoda tree
    - paradise tree
    - parent tree
    - pecan tree
    - pepper tree
    - Phoenix tree
    - phylogenetic tree
    - pick tree
    - pigeon tree
    - pincushion tree
    - pipe tree
    - pipperidge tree
    - planet tree
    - poison tree
    - pomegranate tree
    - punk tree
    - purslane tree
    - quince tree
    - quinine tree
    - rain tree
    - red water tree
    - red-bark devil's tree
    - resin tree
    - respiratory trees
    - rowan tree
    - rubber tree
    - salad tree
    - salt tree
    - sandal tree
    - sandpaper tree
    - sausage tree
    - sawara tree
    - screw tree
    - seed tree
    - service tree
    - shaped trees
    - silk tree
    - silk-tassel tree
    - silver tree
    - silver-bell tree
    - single tree
    - slipper tree
    - smoke tree
    - snag tree
    - snakewood tree
    - snowdrop tree
    - snow-flower tree
    - soapbark tree
    - soapberry tree
    - sorrel tree
    - spikenard tree
    - spindle tree
    - staff tree
    - stag-headed tree
    - star tree
    - strawberry tree
    - strychnine tree
    - stunted tree
    - subordinate trees
    - sugar tree
    - sugar-plum tree
    - suppressed trees
    - tea tree
    - three-leaved hop tree
    - tolu tree
    - toothache tree
    - Tower-of-Pisa tree
    - trap tree
    - traveller's tree
    - treap tree
    - tree of evil fame
    - tree of heaven
    - trumpet tree
    - tufted trees
    - tulip tree
    - tung tree
    - turkeyberry tree
    - turpentine tree
    - umbrella tree
    - unlucky tree
    - upas tree
    - varnish tree
    - vinegar tree
    - wax tree
    - wayfaring tree
    - weed tree
    - weeping trees
    - whitebeam tree
    - wild China tree
    - wild service tree
    - wilding tree
    - windfallen trees
    - windthrown trees
    - winged spindle tree
    - Winter's bark tree
    - wolf trees
    - yew tree
    * * *

    English-russian biological dictionary > tree

  • 5 tzim

    large gourd; gourd tree (guacal)

    K'iche'-English dictionary > tzim

  • 6 горлянковое дерево обыкновенное

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > горлянковое дерево обыкновенное

  • 7 táparo

    1 calabash tree. (Latin American Spanish)
    2 oneeyed person (tuerto).
    * * *
    SM And
    1) (=yescas) tinderbox
    2) (=tuerto) one-eyed person; (fig) dolt
    * * *
    taparo nm
    Col, Méx, Ven gourd tree

    Spanish-English dictionary > táparo

  • 8 सु _su

    सु I. 1 U. (सुवति-ते) To go, move. -II. 1, 2 P. (सवति, सौति) To possess power or supremacy. -III. 5. U. (सुनोति, सुनुते; सुत; the स् of सु is changed to ष् after any preposition ending in इ or उ)
    1 To press out or extract juice.
    -2 To distil.
    -3 To pour out, sprinkle, make a libation.
    -4 To perform a sacrifice especially the Soma (sacrifice).
    -5 To bathe.
    -6 To churn. -Desid. (सुषूषति-ते) -- With उद् to excite, agitate. -प्र to produce, beget.
    सु ind. A particle often used with nouns to form Karmadhāraya and Bahuvrīhī compounds, and with adjectives and adverbs. It has the following senses:--
    1 Well, good, excellent; as in सुगन्धि.
    -2 Beautiful, handsome; as in सुमध्यमा, सुकेशी &c.
    -3 Well, perfectly, thoroughly, properly; सुजीर्णमन्नं सुविचक्षणः सुतः सुशासिता स्त्री नृपतिः सुसेवितः......सुदीर्घकाले$पि न याति विक्रियाम् H.1.22.
    -4 Easily, readily, as in सुकर or सुलभ q. v.
    -5 Much, very much, exceedingly; सुदारुण, सुदीर्घ &c.
    -6 Worthy of respect or reverence.
    -7 It is also said to have the senses of assent, prosperity, and distress.
    -Comp. -अक्ष a.
    1 having good eyes.
    -2 having keen organs, acute.
    -अङ्ग a. well-shaped, handsome, lovely.
    -अच्छ a. see s. v.
    -अन्त a. having happy end, ending well.
    -अल्प, -अल्पक a. see s. v.
    -अस्ति, -अस्तिक see s. v.
    -आकार, -आकृति a. well-formed, handsome, beautiful.
    - आगत see s. v.
    -आदानम् taking justly or properly; स्वादानाद्वर्णसंसर्गात्त्वबलानां च रक्षणात् । बलं संजायते राज्ञः स प्रेत्येह च वर्धते ॥ Ms.8.172.
    -आभास a. very splendid or illustrious; सारतो न विरोधी नः स्वाभासो भरवानुत Ki.15. 22.
    -इष्ट a. properly sacrificed; स्विष्टं यजुर्भिः प्रणतो$स्मि यज्ञम् Bhāg.4.7.41. ˚कृत् m. a form of fire; धर्मादिभ्यो यथान्यायं मन्त्रैः स्विष्टकृतं बुधः Bhāg.11.27.41.
    -उक्त a. well-spoken, well-said; अथवा सूक्तं खलु केनापि Ve.3. (
    -क्ता) a kind of bird (सारिका).
    (-क्तम्) 1 a good or wise saying; नेतुं वाञ्छति यः खलान् पथि सतां सूक्तैः सुधा- स्यन्दिभिः Bh.2.6; R.15.97.
    -2 a Vedic hymn, as in पुरुषसूक्त &c. ˚दर्शिन् m. a hymn-seer, Vedic sage. ˚वाकन्यायः A rule of interpretation according to which some thing that is declared as being subordinate to some- thing else should be understood to signify a part or whole on the basis of expediency or utility. This is discussed by जैमिनि and शबर at MS.3.2.15-18. ˚वाच् f.
    1 a hymn.
    -2 praise, a word of praise.
    -उक्तिः f.
    1 a good or friendly speech.
    -2 a good or clever saying.
    -3 a correct sentence.
    -उत्तर a.
    1 very superior.
    -2 well towards the north.
    -उत्थान a. making good efforts, vigorous, active. (
    -नम्) vigorous effort or exertion.
    -उन्मद, -उन्माद a. quite mad or frantic.
    - उपसदन a. easy to be approached.
    -उपस्कर a. furnished with good instruments.
    -कण्टका the aloe plant.
    -कण्ठ a. sweet- voiced. (
    -ण्ठी) the female cuckoo.
    -कण्डुः itch.
    -कन्दः 1 an onion.
    -2 a yam.
    -3 a sort of grass.
    -कन्दकः onion.
    -कर a. (
    -रा or
    -री f.)
    1 easy to be done, practi- cable, feasible; वक्तुं सुकरं कर्तुं (अध्यवसातुं) दुष्करम् Ve.3 'sooner said than done'.
    -2 easy to be managed. (
    -रः) a good-natured horse. (
    -रा) a tractable cow. (
    -रम्) charity, benevolence.
    -कर्मन् a.
    1 one whose deeds are righteous, virtuous, good.
    -2 active, diligent. (-m.) N. of Visvakarman.
    -कल a. one who has acquired a great reputation for liberality in giving and using (money &c,)
    -कलिल a. well filled with.
    -कल्प a. very qualified or skilled; कालेन यैर्वा विमिताः सुकल्पैर्भूपांसवः खे मिहिका द्युभासः Bhāg.1.14.7.
    -कल्पित a. well equip- ped or armed.
    -कल्य a. perfectly sound.
    -काण्डः the Kāravella plant.
    -काण्डिका the Kāṇḍīra creeper.
    -काण्डिन् a.
    1 having beautiful stems.
    -2 beautifully joined. (-m.) a bee.
    -काष्ठम् fire-wood.
    -कुन्दकः an onion.
    -कुमार a.
    1 very delicate or soft, smooth.
    -2 beautifully young or youthful.
    (-रः) 1 a beautiful youth.
    -2 a kind of sugar-cane.
    -3 a kind of grain (श्यामाक).
    -4 a kind of mustard.
    -5 the wild Cham- paka.
    (-रा) 1 the double jasmine.
    -2 the plantain.
    -3 the great-flowered jasmine.
    -कुमारकः 1 a beauti- ful youth.
    -2 rice (शालि).
    (-कम्) 1 the Tamāla- patra.
    -2 a particutar part of the ear.
    -कुमारी the Navamallikā jasmine.
    -कृत् a.
    1 doing good, benevolent.
    -2 pious, virtuous, righteous.
    -3 wise, learned.
    -4 for- tunate, lucky.
    -5 making good sacrifices or offerings. (-m.)
    1 a skilful worker.
    -2 N. of Tvaṣṭri.
    -कृत a.
    1 done well or properly.
    -2 thoroughly done; कच्चिन्नु सुकृतान्येव कृतरूपाणि वा पुनः । विदुस्ते सर्वकार्याणि Rām.2.1.2.
    -3 well made or constructed.
    -4 treated with kindness, assisted, befriended.
    -5 virtuous, righteous, pious.
    -6 lucky, fortunate.
    (-तम्) 1 any good or virtuous act, kindness, favour, service; नादत्ते कस्यचित् पापं न चैव सुकृतं विभुः Bg.5.15; Me.17.
    -2 virtue, moral or religious merit; स्वर्गाभिसंधिसुकृतं वञ्चनामिव मेनिरे Ku.6.47; तच्चिन्त्यमानं सुकृतं तवेति R.14.16.
    -3 fortune, auspiciousness.
    -4 recompense, reward.
    -5 Penance; तदभूरिवासरकृतं सुकृतैरुप- लभ्य वैभवमनन्यभवम् Ki.6.29.
    -कृतिः f.
    1 well-doing, a good act.
    -2 kindness, virtue.
    -3 practice of penance.
    -4 auspiciousness.
    -कृतिन् a.
    1 acting well or kindly.
    -2 virtuous, pious, good, righteous; सन्तः सन्तु निरापदः सुकृतिनां कीर्तिश्चिरं वर्धताम् H.4.132; चतुर्विधा भजन्ते मां जनाः सुकृतिनो$र्जुन Bg.7.16.
    -3 wise, learned.
    -4 benevolent.
    -5 fortunate, lucky.
    -कृत्यम् a good action; सुकृत्यं विष्णु- गुप्तस्य मित्राप्तिर्भार्गवस्य च Pt.2.45.
    -केश(स)रः the citron tree.
    -क्रतुः 1 N. of Agni.
    -2 of Śiva.
    -3 of Indra.
    -4 of Mitra and Varuṇa.
    -5 of the sun.
    -6 of Soma.
    -क्रयः a fair bargain.
    -क्षेत्र a. sprung from a good womb.
    -खल्लिका luxurious life.
    - a.
    1 going gracefully or well.
    -2 graceful, elegant.
    -3 easy of access; अकृत्यं मन्यते कृत्यमगम्यं मन्यते सुगम् । अभक्ष्यं मन्यते भक्ष्यं स्त्रीवाक्यप्रेरितो नरः ॥ Pt.2.148.
    -4 intelligible, easy to be understood (opp. दुर्ग). (
    -गः) a Gandharva; गीतैः सुगा वाद्यधराश्च वाद्यकैः Bhāg.1.12.34.
    (-गम्) 1 ordure, feces.
    -2 happiness.
    -गण् m. a good calculator; L. D. B. -a. counting well.
    -गणकः a good calculator or astronomer.
    -गत a.
    1 well-gone or passed.
    -2 well-bestowed. (
    -तः) an epithet of Buddha.
    -गतिः 1 Welfare, hap- piness.
    -2 a secure refuge.
    -गन्धः 1 fragrance, odour, perfume.
    -2 sulphur.
    -3 a trader.
    (-न्धम्) 1 sandal.
    -2 small cumin seed.
    -3 a blue lotus.
    -4 a kind of fragrant grass. (
    -न्धा) sacred basil.
    -गन्धकः 1 sulphur.
    -2 the red Tulasee.
    -3 the orange.
    -4 a kind of gourd,
    -गन्धमूला a land-growing lotus-plant; L. D. B.
    -गन्धारः an epithet of Śiva.
    -गन्धि a.
    1 sweet-smelling, fra- grant, redolent with perfumes.
    -2 virtuous, pious.
    (-न्धिः) 1 perfume, fragrance.
    -2 the Supreme Being.
    -3 a kind of sweet-smelling mango. (
    -न्धि n.)
    1 the root of long pepper.
    -2 a kind of fragrant grass.
    -3 cori- ander seed. ˚त्रिफला
    1 nutmeg.
    -2 areca nut.
    -3 cloves. ˚मूलम् the root Uśīra. ˚मूषिका the musk-rat.
    -गन्धिकः 1 incense.
    -2 sulphur.
    -3 a kind of rice. (
    -कम्) the white lotus.
    -गम a.
    1 easy of access, accessible.
    -2 easy.
    -3 plain, intelligible.
    -गरम् cinnabar.
    -गहना an enclosure round a place of sacrifice to exclude profane access. ˚वृत्तिः f. the same as above.
    -गात्री a beautiful woman.
    -गृद्ध a. intensely longing for.
    -गृह a. (
    -ही f.) having a beautiful house or abode, well-lodged; सुगृही निर्गृहीकृता Pt.1.39.
    -गृहीत a.
    1 held well or firmly, grasped.
    -2 used or applied properly or auspiciously. ˚नामन् a.
    1 one whose name is auspiciously invoked, one whose name it is auspicious to utter (as Bali, Yudhi- ṣṭhira), a term used as a respectful mode of speaking; सुगृहीतनाम्नः भट्टगोपालस्य पौत्रः Māl.1.
    -ग्रासः a dainty mor- sel.
    -ग्रीव a. having a beautiful neck.
    (-वः) 1 a hero.
    -2 a swan.
    -3 a kind of weapon.
    -4 N. of one of the four horses of Kṛiṣṇa.
    -5 of Śiva.
    -6 of Indra.
    -7 N. of a monkey-chief and brother of Vāli. [By the advice of Kabandha, Rāma went to Sugrīva who told him how his brother had treated him and besought his assistance in recovering his wife, promising at the same time that he would assist Rāma in recovering his wife Sīta. Rāma, therfore, killed vāli, and installed Sugrīva on the throne. He then assisted Rāma with his hosts of monkeys in conquering Rāvaṇa, and recovering Sīta.] ˚ईशः N. of Rāma; सुग्रीवेशः कटी पातु Rāma-rakṣā.8.
    -ग्ल a. very weary or fatigued.
    -घोष a. having a pleasant sound. (
    -षः) N. of the conch of Nakula; नकुलः सहदेवश्च सुघोषमणपुष्पकौ Bg.1.16.
    -चक्षुस् a. having good eyes, seeing well. (-m.)
    1 discerning or wise man, learned man.
    -2 The glomerous fig-tree.
    -चरित, -चरित्र a.
    1 well-conducted, well-behaved; वृषभैकादशा गाश्च दद्यात् सुचरितव्रतः Ms.11.116.
    -2 moral, virtuous; तान् विदित्वा सुचरितैर्गूढैस्तत्कर्मकारिभिः Ms.9.261. (
    -तम्, -त्रम्) 1 good conduct, virtuous deeds.
    -2 merit; तव सुचरितमङ्गुलीय नूनं प्रतनु Ś.6.1. (
    -ता, -त्रा) a well-conducted, devoted, and virtuous wife.
    -चर्मन् m. the Bhūrja tree.
    -चित्रकः 1 a king fisher.
    -2 a kind of speckled snake.
    -चित्रा a kind of gourd.
    -चिन्ता, -चिन्तनम् deep thought, deep reflection or consideration.
    -चिरम् ind. for a very long time, very long.
    -चिरायुस् m. a god, deity.
    -चुटी a pair of nippers or tongs.
    -चेतस् a.
    1 well-minded.
    -2 wise.
    -चेतीकृत a. with the heart satiated; well- disposed; ततः सुचेतीकृतपौरभृत्यः Bk.3.2.
    -चेलकः a fine cloth.
    -च्छद a. having beautiful leaves.
    -छत्रः N. of Śiva. (
    -त्रा) the river Sutlej.
    -जन a.
    1 good, virtuous, respectable.
    -2 kind, benevolent.
    (-नः) 1 a good or virtuous man, benevolent man.
    -2 a gentleman.
    -3 N. of Indra's charioteer.
    -जनता 1 goodness, kind- ness, benevolence, virtue; ऐश्वर्यस्य विभूषणं सुजनता Bh.2. 82.
    -2 a number of good men.
    -3 bravery.
    -जन्मन् a.
    1 of noble or respectable birth; या कौमुदी नयनयोर्भवतः सुजन्मा Māl.1.34.
    -2 legitimate, lawfully born.
    -जलम् a lotus.
    -जल्पः 1 a good speech.
    -2 a kind of speech thus described by Ujjvalamaṇi; यत्रार्जवात् सगाम्भीर्यं सदैन्यं सहचापलम् । सोत्कण्ठं च हरिः स्पृष्टः स सुजल्पो निगद्यते ॥
    -जात a.
    1 well-grown, tall.
    -2 well made or produced.
    -3 of high birth.
    -4 beautiful, lovely; सुजातं कल्याणी भवतु कृत- कृत्यः स च युवा Māl.1.16; R.3.8.
    -5 very delicate; खिद्यत् सुजाताङ्घ्रितलामुन्निन्ये प्रेयसीं प्रियः Bhāg.1.3.31.
    -डीनकम् a kind of flight of birds; Mb.8.41.27 (com. पश्चाद् गतिः पराडीनं स्वर्गगं सुडीनकम्).
    -तनु a.
    1 having a beautiful body.
    -2 extremely delicate or slender, very thin.
    -3 emaciated. (
    -नुः, -नूः f.) a lovely lady; एताः सुतनु मुखं ते सख्यः पश्यन्ति हेमकूटगताः V.1.1; Ś.7.24.
    -तन्त्री a.
    1 well-stringed.
    -2 (hence) melodious.
    -तपस् a.
    1 one who practises austere penance; a वानप्रस्थ; स्विष्टिः स्वधीतिः सुतपा लोकाञ्जयति यावतः Mb.12.71.3.
    -2 having great heat. (-m.)
    1 an ascetic, a devotee, hermit, an anchorite.
    -2 the sun. (-n.) an austere penance.
    -तप्त a.
    1 greatly harassed, afflicted.
    -2 very severe (as a penance); तपसैव सुतप्तेन मुच्यन्ते किल्बिषात्ततः Ms.11.239.
    -तमाम् ind. most excellently, best.
    -तराम् ind.
    1 bet- ter, more excellently.
    -2 exceedingly, very, very much, excessively; तया दुहित्रा सुतरां सवित्री स्फुरत्प्रभामण्डलया चकाशे Ku.1.24; सुतरां दयालुः R.2.53;7.21;14.9;18.24.
    -3 more so, much more so; मय्यप्यास्था न ते चेत्त्वयि मम सुतरा- मेष राजन् गतो$ स्मि Bh.3.3.
    -4 consequently.
    -तर्दनः the (Indian) cuckco.
    -तर्मन् a. good for crossing over; सुतर्माणमधिनावं रुहेम Ait. Br.1.13; (cf. also यज्ञो वै सुतर्मा).
    -तलम् 1 'immense depth', N. of one of the seven regi- ons below the earth; see पाताल; (याहि) सुतलं स्वर्गीभिः प्रार्थ्यं ज्ञातिभिः परिवारितः Bhāg.8.22.33.
    -2 the foundation of a large building.
    -तान a. melodious.
    -तार a.
    1 very bright.
    -2 very loud; सुतारैः फूत्कारैः शिव शिव शिवेति प्रतनुमः Bh.3.2.
    -3 having a beautiful pupil (as an eye). (
    -रः) a kind of perfume. (
    -रा) (in Sāṁkhya) one of the nine kinds of acquiescence.
    -तिक्तकः the coral tree.
    -तीक्ष्ण a.
    1 very sharp.
    -2 very pungent.
    -3 acutely painful.
    (-क्ष्णः) 1 the Śigru tree.
    -2 N. of a sage; नाम्ना सुतीक्ष्णश्चरितेन दान्तः R.13.41. ˚दशनः an epithet of Śiva.
    -तीर्थः 1 a good preceptor.
    -2 N. of Śiva. -a. easily crossed or traversed.
    -तुङ्ग a. very lofty or tall.
    (-ङ्गः) 1 the cocoa-nut tree.
    -2 the culminating point of a planet.
    -तुमुल a. very loud.
    -तेजन a. well-pointed, sharpened. (
    -नः) a well-pointed arrow.
    -तेजस् a.
    1 very sharp.
    -2 very bright, or splendid.
    -3 very mighty. (-m.) a worshipper of the sun.
    -दक्षिण a.
    1 very sincere or upright.
    -2 liberal or rich in sacrificial gifts; यज्ञैर्भूरिसुदक्षिणैः सुविहितैः संप्राप्यते यत् फलम् Pt.1. 31.
    -3 very skilful.
    -4 very polite. (
    -णा) N. of the wife of Dilīpa; तस्य दाक्षिण्यरूढेन नाम्ना मगधवंशजा पत्नी सुदक्षिणेत्यासीत् R.1.31;3.1.
    -दण्डः a cane, ratan.
    -दत् a. (
    -ती f.) having handsome teeth; जगाद भूयः सुदतीं सुनन्दा R.6.37.
    -दन्तः 1 a good tooth.
    -2 an actor; a dancer. (
    -न्ती) the female elephant of the north-west quarter.
    -दर्श a. lovely, gracious looking; सुदर्शः स्थूललक्षयश्च न भ्रश्येत सदा श्रियः Mb.12.56.19 (com. सुदर्शः प्रसन्नवक्त्रः).
    -दर्शन a. (
    -ना or
    -नी f.)
    1 good-looking, beautiful, handsome.
    -2 easily seen. (
    -नः) the discus of Viṣṇu; as in कृष्णो$प्यसु- दर्शनः K.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -3 of mount Meru.
    -4 a vul- ture. (
    -नी, -नम्) N. of Amarāvatī, Indra's capital. (
    -नम्) N. of Jambudvīpa.
    -दर्शना 1 a handsome wo- man.
    -2 a woman.
    -3 an order, a command.
    -4 a kind of drug.
    -दास् a. very bountiful.
    -दान्तः a Buddhist.
    -दामन् a. one who gives liberally. (-m.)
    1 a cloud.
    -2 a moun- tain.
    -3 the sea.
    -4 N. of Indra's elephant.
    -5 N. of a very poor Brāhmaṇa who came to Dvārakā with only a small quantity of parched rice as a present to his friend Kṛiṣṇa, and was raised by him to wealth and glory.
    -दायः 1 a good or auspicious gift.
    -2 a special gift given on particular solemn occasions.
    -3 one who offers such a gift.
    -दिनम् 1 a happy or auspicious day.
    -2 a fine day or weather (opp दुर्दिनम्); so सुदिनाहम् in the same sense.
    -दिह् a. well-polished, bright.
    -दीर्घ a. very long or extended. (
    -र्घा) a kind of cucumber.
    -दुराधर्ष a.
    1 very hard to get.
    -2 quite intolerable.
    -दुरावर्त a. a very hard to be convinced.
    -दुरासद a. unapproachable.
    -दुर्जर a. very difficult to be digested.
    -दुर्मनस् a. very troubled in mind.
    -दुर्मर्ष a. quite in- tolerable.
    -दुर्लभ a. very scarce or rare.
    -दुश्चर a.
    1 inaccessible.
    -2 very painful.
    -दुश्चिकित्स a. very difficult to be cured.
    -दुष्प्रभः a chameleon.
    -दूर a. very distant or remote. (
    -सुदूरम् means
    1 to a great distance.
    -2 to a very high degree, very much; सुदूरं पीडयेत् कामः शरद्गुणनिरन्तरः Rām.4.3.12.
    -सुदूरात् 'from afar, from a distance').
    -दृढ a. very firm or hard, compact.
    -दृश् a. having beautiful eyes. (-f.) a pretty woman.
    -देशिकः a good guide.
    -धन्वन् a. having an excellent bow. (-m.)
    1 a good archer or bowman.
    -2 Ananta, the great serpent.
    -3 N. of Viśvakarman. ˚आचार्यः a mixed caste; वैश्यात्तु जायते व्रात्यात् सुधन्वाचार्य एव च Ms.1.23.
    -धर्मन् a. attentive to duties. (-f.) the council or assembly of gods. (-m.)
    1 the hall or palace of Indra.
    -2 one diligent in properly maintaining his family.
    -धर्मा, -र्मी 1 the council or assembly of gods (देवसभा); ययावुदीरितालोकः सुधर्मानवमां सभाम् R.17.27.
    -2 (सुधर्मा) N. of Dvārakā; दिवि भुव्यन्तरिक्षे च महोत्पातान् समु- त्थितान् । दृष्ट्वासीनान् सुधर्मायां कृष्णः प्राह यदूनिदम् ॥ Bhāg.11.3. 4;1.14.34.
    -धात a. well cleaned.
    -धार a. well-pointed (as an arrow).
    -धित a. Ved.
    1 perfect, secure.
    -2 kind, good.
    -3 happy, prosperous.
    -4 well-aimed or directed (as a weapon).
    -धी a. having a good understanding, wise, clever, intelligent. (
    -धीः) a wise or intelligent man, learned man or pandit. (-f.) a good under- standing, good sense, intelligence. ˚उपास्यः
    1 a particu- lar kind of royal palace.
    -2 N. of an attendant on Kṛiṣṇa. (
    -स्यम्) the club of Balarāma. ˚उपास्या
    1 a woman.
    -2 N. of Umā, or of one of her female com- panions.
    -3 a sort of pigment.
    -ध्रूम्रवर्णा one of the seven tongues of fire.
    -नन्दम् N. of Balarāma's club; प्रतिजग्राह बलवान् सुनन्देनाहनच्च तम् Bhāg.1.67.18.
    -नन्दः a kind of royal palace.
    -नन्दा 1 N. of a woman.
    -2 N. of Pārvatī; L. D. B.
    -3 yellow pigment; L. D. B.
    -नयः 1 good conduct.
    -2 good policy.
    - नयन a. having beau- tiful eyes. (
    -नः) a deer.
    (-ना) 1 a woman having beautiful eyes.
    -2 a woman in general.
    -नाभ a.
    1 having a beautiful navel.
    -2 having a good nave or cen- tre.
    (-भः) 1 a mountain.
    -2 the Maināka mountain, q. v. (
    -भम्) a wheel, discus (सुदर्शन); ये संयुगे$चक्षत तार्क्ष्यपुत्रमंसे सुनाभायुधमापतन्तम् Bhāg.3.2.24.
    -नालम् a red water-lily.
    -निःष्ठित a. quite ready.
    -निर्भृत a. very lonely or private. (
    -तम्) ind. very secretly or closely, very narrowly, privately.
    -निरूढ a. well-purged by an injection; Charaka.
    -निरूहणम् a good purgative.
    -निर्णिक्त a. well polished.
    -निश्चलः an epithet of Śiva.
    -निषण्णः (-कः) the herb Marsilea Quadrifolia (Mar. कुऱडू).
    -निहित a. well-established.
    -नीत a.
    1 well-con- ducted, well-behaved.
    -2 polite, civil.
    (-तनि) 1 good conduct or behaviour.
    -2 good policy or prodence.
    -नीतिः f.
    1 good conduct, good manners, propriety.
    -2 good policy.
    -3 N. of the mother of Dhruva, q. v.
    -नीथ a. well-disposed, well conducted, righteous, vir- tuous, good.
    (-थः) 1 a Brāhmaṇa.
    -2 N. of Śiśupāla, q. v.; तस्मिन्नभ्यर्चिते कृष्णे सुनीथः शत्रुकर्षणः Mb.1.39.11.
    -3 Ved. a good leader.
    -नील a. very black or blue. (
    -लः) the pomegranate tree. (
    -ला) common flax.
    (-लम्), -नीलकः a blue gem.
    -नु n. water.
    -नेत्र a. having good or beautiful eyes.
    -पक्व a.
    1 well-cooked.
    -2 thoroughly matured or ripe. (
    -क्वः) a sort of fra- grant mango.
    -पठ a. legible.
    -पत्नी a woman having a good husband.
    -पत्र a.
    1 having beautiful wings.
    -2 well-feathered (an arrow).
    -पथः 1 a good road.
    -2 a good course.
    -3 good conduct.
    -पथिन् m. (nom. sing. सुपन्थाः) a good road.
    -पद्मा orris root.
    -परीक्षित a. well-examined.
    -पर्ण a. (
    -र्णा or
    -र्णी f.)
    1 well-winged; तं भूतनिलयं देवं सुपर्णमुपधावत Bhāg.8.1.11.
    -2 having good or beautiful leaves.
    (-र्णः) 1 a ray of the sun.
    -2 a class of bird-like beings of a semi-divine charac- ter.
    -3 any supernatural bird.
    -4 an epithet of Garuḍa; ततः सुपर्णव्रजपक्षजन्मा नानागतिर्मण्डलयन् जवेन Ki.16.44.
    -5 a cock.
    -6 the knowing (ज्ञानरूप); देहस्त्वचित्पुरुषो$यं सुपर्णः क्रुध्येत कस्मै नहि कर्ममूलम् Bhāg.11.23.55.
    -7 Any bird; द्वा सुपर्णा सयुजा सखाया समानं वृक्षं परिषस्वजाते Muṇd. 3.1.1. ˚केतुः N. of Viṣṇu; तमकुण्ठमुखाः सुपर्णकेतोरिषवः क्षिप्तमिषुव्रजं परेण Śi.2.23.
    -पर्णकः = सुपर्ण.
    -पर्णा, -पर्णी f.
    1 a number of lotuses.
    -2 a pool abounding in lotuses.
    -3 N. of the mother of Garuḍa.
    -पर्यवदात a. very clean.
    -पर्याप्त a.
    1 very spacious; तस्य मध्ये सुपर्याप्तं कारयेद् गृहमात्मनः Ms.7.76.
    -2 well-fitted.
    -पर्वन् a. well- jointed, having many joints or knots. (-m.)
    1 a bam- boo.
    -2 an arrow.
    -3 a god, deity; विहाय या सर्वसुपर्व- नायकम् N.4.9;14.41,76.
    -4 a special lunar day (as the day of full or new moon, and the 8th and 14th day of each fortnight).
    -5 smoke. (-f.) white Dūrvā grass.
    -पलायित a.
    1 completely fled or run away.
    -2 skilfully retreated.
    -पाक्यम् a kind of medicinal salt (Mar. बिडलोण).
    -पात्रम् 1 a good or suitable vessel, worthy receptacle.
    -2 a fit or competent person, any one well-fitted for an office, an able person.
    -पाद् (
    -पाद् or
    -पदी f.) having good or handsome feet.
    -पार्श्वः 1 the waved-leaf fig-tree (प्लक्ष).
    -2 N. of the son of Sampāti, elder brother of Jaṭāyu.
    -पालि a. distinguished.
    -पीतम् 1 a carrot.
    -2 yellow sandal. (
    -तः) the fifth Muhūrta.
    -पुंसी a woman having a good husband.
    -पुरम् a strong fortress.
    -पुष्प a. (
    -ष्पा or
    -ष्पी f.) having beautiful flowers.
    (-ष्पः) 1 the coral tree.
    -2 the Śirīṣa tree. (
    -ष्पी) the plantain tree.
    (-ष्पम्) 1 cloves.
    -2 the menstrual excretion.
    -पुष्पित a.
    1 well blossomed, being in full flower.
    -2 having the hair thrilling or bristling.
    -पूर a.
    1 easy to be filled; सुपूरा स्यात् कुनदिका सुपूरो मूषिकाञ्जलिः Pt.1.25.
    -2 well-filling. (
    -रः) a kind of citron (बीजपूर).
    -पूरकः the Baka-puṣpa tree.
    -पेशस् a. beautiful, tender; रत्नानां पद्मरागो$स्मि पद्मकोशः सुपेशसाम् Bhāg.11.16.3. ˚कृत् m. a kind of fly; Bhāg.11.7.34.
    -प्रकाश a.
    1 manifest, apparent; ज्येष्ठे मासि नयेत् सीमां सुप्रकाशेषु सेतुषु Ms.8.245.
    -2 public, notorious.
    -प्रतर्कः a sound judgment.
    -प्रतिभा spirituous liquor.
    -प्रतिष्ठ a.
    1 standing well.
    -2 very celebrated, renowned, glorious, famous.
    (-ष्ठा) 1 good position.
    -2 good reputation, fame, celebrity.
    -3 esta- blishment, erection.
    -4 installation, consecration.
    -प्रतिष्ठित a.
    1 well-established.
    -2 consecrated.
    -3 ce- lebrated. (
    -तः) the Udumbara tree.
    -प्रतिष्णात a.
    1 thoroughly purified.
    -2 well-versed in.
    -3 well-investi- gated, clearly ascertained or determined.
    -प्रतीक a.
    1 having a beautiful shape, lovely, handsome; भगवान् भागवतवात्सल्यतया सुप्रतीकः Bhāg.5.3.2.
    -2 having a beau- tiful trunk.
    (-कः) 1 an epithet of Kāmadeva.
    -2 of Śiva.
    -3 of the elephant of the north-east quarter.
    -4 An honest man; स्तेयोपायैर्विरचितकृतिः सुप्रतीको यथास्ते Bhāg.1.8.31.
    -प्रपाणम् a good tank.
    -प्रभ a. very brilliant, glorious. (
    -भा) one of the seven tongues of fire.
    -प्रभातम् 1 an auspicious dawn or day-break; दिष्टथा सुप्रभातमद्य यदयं देवो दृष्टः U.6.
    -2 the earliest dawn.
    -प्रभावः omnipotence.
    -प्रमाण a. large-sized.
    -प्रयुक्तशरः a skilful archer.
    -प्रयोगः 1 good management or ap- plication.
    -2 close contact.
    -3 dexterity.
    -प्रलापः good speech, eloquence.
    -प्रसन्नः N. of Kubera.
    -प्रसाद a. very gracious or propitious. (
    -दः) N. of Śiva.
    -प्रातम् a fine morning.
    -प्रिय a. very much liked, agreeable. (
    -यः) (in prosody) a foot of two short syllables.
    (-या) 1 a charming woman.
    -2 a beloved mistress.
    -प्रौढा a marriageable girl.
    -फल a.
    1 very fruitful, very productive.
    -2 very fertile.
    (-लः) 1 the pomegranate tree.
    -2 the jujube.
    -3 the Karṇikāra tree.
    -4 a kind of bean.
    (-ला) 1 a pumpkin, gourd.
    -2 the plan- tain tree.
    -3 a variety of brown grape.
    -4 colocynth.
    -फेनः a cuttle-fish bone.
    -बन्धः sesamum.
    -बभ्रु a. dark-brown.
    -बल a. very powerful.
    (-लः) 1 N. of Śiva.
    -2 N. of the father of Śakuni.
    -बान्धवः N. of Śiva.
    -बाल a. very childish.
    -बाहु a.
    1 handsome- armed.
    -2 strong-armed. (
    -हुः) N. of a demon, brother of Mārīcha, who had become a demon by the curse of Agastya. He with Mārīcha began to disturb the sacrifice of Viśvāmitra, but was defeated by Rāma. and Lakṣmaṇa; यः सुबाहुरिति राक्षसो$परस्तत्र तत्र विससर्प मायया R.11.29.
    -बीजम् good seed; सुबीजं चैव सुक्षेत्रे जातं संपद्यते तथा Ms.1.69.
    (-जः) 1 N. of Śiva.
    -2 the poppy.
    -बोध a.
    1 easily apprehended or understood. (
    -धः) good information or advice.
    -ब्रह्मण्यः 1 an epithet of Kārtikeya.
    -2 N. of one of the sixteen priests employed at a sacrifice.
    -भग a.
    1 very fortu- nate or prosperous, happy, blessed, highly favoured.
    -2 lovely, charming, beautiful, pretty; न तु ग्रीष्मस्यैवं सुभगमपराद्धं युवतिषु Ś.3.9; Ku.4.34; R.11.8; Māl.9.
    -3 pleasant, grateful, agreeable, sweet; दिवसाः सुभगा- दित्याश्छायासलिलदुर्भगाः Rām.3.16.1; श्रवणसुभग M.3.4; Ś.1.3.
    -4 beloved, liked, amiable, dear; सुमुखि सुभगः पश्यन् स त्वामुपैतु कृतार्थताम् Gīt.5.
    -5 illustrious.
    (-गः) 1 borax.
    -2 the Aśoka tree.
    -3 the Champaka tree.
    -4 red amarnath. (
    -गम्) good fortune. ˚मानिन्, सुभगं- मन्य a.
    1 considering oneself fortunate, amiable, pleasing; वाचालं मां न खलु सुभगंमन्यभावः करोति Me.96.
    -2 vain, flattering oneself.
    -भगा 1 a woman beloved by her hus- band, a favourite wife.
    -2 an honoured mother.
    -3 a kind of wild jasmine.
    -4 turmeric.
    -5 the Priyaṅgu creeper.
    -6 the holy basil.
    -7 a woman having her husband alive (सौभाग्यवती); जयशब्दैर्द्विजाग्र्याणां सुभगानर्तितै- स्तथा Mb.7.7.9.
    -8 a five-year old girl representing Durgā at festivals.
    -9 musk. ˚सुत the son of a favou- rite wife.
    -भङ्गः the cocoa-nut tree.
    -भटः a great war- rior, champion, soldier.
    -भट्टः a learned man.
    -भद्र a. very happy or fortunate. (
    -द्रः) N. of Viṣṇu; साकं साकम्पमंसे वसति विदधती बासुभद्रं सुभद्रम् Viṣṇupāda S.31. (
    -द्रा) N. of the sister of Balarāma and Kṛiṣṇa, married to Arjuna q. v. She bore to him a son named Abhimanyu.
    -भद्रकः 1 a car for carrying the image of a god.
    -2 the Bilva tree.
    -भाषित a.
    1 spoken well or eloquent.
    (-तम्) 1 fine speech, eloquence, learning; जीर्णमङ्गे सुभाषितम् Bh.3.2.
    -2ल a witty saying, an apophthegm, an apposite saying; सुभाषितेन गीतेन युवतीनां च लीलया । मनो न भिद्यते यस्य स वै मुक्तो$थवा पशुः Subhāṣ.
    -3 a good remark; बालादपि सुभाषितम् (ग्राह्यम्).
    -भिक्षम् 1 good alms, successful begging.
    -2 abundance of food, an abundant supply of provisions, plenty of corn &c.
    -भीरकः the Palāśa tree.
    -भीरुकम् silver.
    -भूतिः 1 well-being, wel- fare.
    -2 the Tittira bird; Gīrvāṇa.
    -भूतिकः the Bilva tree.
    -भूषणम् a type of pavilion where a ceremony is performed on a wife's perceiving the first signs of con- ception; सुभूषणाख्यं विप्राणां योग्यं पुंसवनार्थकम् Māna.34.354.
    -भृत a.
    1 well-paid.
    -2 heavily laden.
    -भ्रू a. having beautiful eyebrows. (
    -भ्रूः f.) a lovely woman. (N. B. The vocative singular of this word is strictly सुभ्रूः; but सुभ्रु is used by writers like Bhaṭṭi. Kālidāsa, and Bhavabhūti; हा पितः क्वासि हे सुभ्रु Bk.6.17; so V.3.22; Ku.5.43; Māl.3.8.)
    -मङ्गल a.
    1 very auspicious.
    -2 abounding in sacrifices.
    -मति a. very wise. (
    -तिः f.)
    1 a good mind or disposition, kindness, benevolence, friendship.
    -2 a favour of the gods.
    -3 a gift, blessing.
    -4 a prayer, hymn.
    -5 a wish or desire.
    -6 N. of the wife of Sagara and mother of 6, sons.
    -मदनः the mango tree.
    -मदात्मजा a celestial damsel.
    -मधुरम् a very sweet or gentle speech, agreeable words.
    -मध्य, -मध्यम a. slender-waisted.
    -मध्या, -मध्यमा a graceful woman.
    -मन a. very charming, lovely, beautiful.
    (-नः) 1 wheat.
    -2 the thorn-apple. (
    -ना) the great-flowered jasmine.
    -मनस् a.
    1 good-minded, of a good disposition, benevolent; शान्तसंकल्पः सुमना यथा स्याद्वीतमन्युर्गौतमो माभिमृत्यो Kaṭh.1.1.
    -2 well-pleased, satisfied; (hence
    -सुमनीभू = to be at ease; जिते नृपारौ समनीभवन्ति शद्बायमानान्यशनैरशङ्कम् Bk.2.54.). (-m.)
    1 a god, divinity.
    -2 a learned man.
    -3 a student of the Vedas.
    -4 wheat.
    -5 the Nimba tree. (-f., n.; said to be pl. only by some) a flower; मुमुचुर्मुनयो देवाः सुमनांसि मुदान्विताः Bhāg.1.3.7; रमणीय एष वः सुमनसां संनिवेशः Māl.1. (where the adjectival; sense in 1 is also intended); किं सेव्यते सुमनसां मनसापि गन्धः कस्तू- रिकाजननशक्तिभृता मृगेण R.G; Śi.6.66. ˚वर्णकम् flowers, unguent or perfume etc. for the body; सा तदाप्रभृति सुमनो- वर्णकं नेच्छति Avimārakam 2. (-f.)
    1 the great-flowered jasmine.
    -2 the Mālatī creeper. ˚फलः the woodapple. ˚फलम् nutmeg.
    -मनस्क a. cheerful, happy.
    -मन्तु a.
    1 advising well.
    -2 very faulty or blameable. (-m.) a good adviser.
    -मन्त्रः N. of the charioteer of Daśāratha.
    -मन्दभाज् a. very unfortunate.
    -मर्दित a. much harassed.
    -मर्षण a. easy to be borne.
    -मित्रा 1 N. of one of the wives of Daśāratha and mother of Lakṣmaṇa and Śatrughna.
    -मुख a. (
    -खा or
    -खी f.)
    1 having a beautiful face, lovely.
    -2 pleasing.
    -3 disposed to, eager for; सुरसद्मयानसुमुखी जनता Ki.6.42.
    -4 favour- able, kind.
    -5 well-pointed (as an arrow).
    -6 (सुमुखा) having a good entrance.
    (-खः) 1 a learned man.
    -2 an epithet of Garuḍa.
    -3 of Gaṇeśa; सुमुखश्चैकदन्तश्च कपिलो गजकर्णकः Maṅgal. S.1.
    -4 of Śiva.
    (-खम्) 1 the scratch of a finger-nail.
    -2 a kind of building.
    (-खा, -खी) 1 a handsome woman.
    -2 a mirror.
    -मूलकम् a carrot.
    -मृत a. stone-dead.
    -मेखलः the Muñja grass.
    -मेधस a. having a good understanding, wise, intelligent; इमे अङ्गिरसः सत्रमासते$द्य सुमेधसः Bhāg.9.4.3. (-m.) a wise man. (-f.) heart-pea.
    -मेरुः 1 the sac- red mountain Meru, q. v.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -यन्त्रित a.
    1 well-governed.
    -2 self-controlled.
    -यमाः a parti- cular class of gods; जातो रुचेरजनयत् सुयमान् सुयज्ञ आकूति- सूनुरमरानथ दक्षिणायाम् Bhāg.2.7.2.
    -यवसम् beautiful grass, good pasturage.
    -यामुनः 1 a palace.
    -2 N. of Viṣṇu.
    -युक्तः N. of Śiva.
    -योगः 1 a favourable junc- ture.
    -2 good opportunity.
    -योधनः an epithet of Duryodhana q. v.
    -रक्त a.
    1 well coloured.
    -2 im- passioned.
    -3 very lovely.
    -4 sweet-voiced; सुरक्तगोपी- जनगीतनिःस्वने Ki.4.33.
    -रक्तकः 1 a kind of red chalk.
    -2 a kind of mango tree.
    -रङ्गः 1 good colour.
    -2 the orange.
    -3 a hole cut in a house (सुरङ्गा also in this sense).
    (-ङ्गम्) 1 red sanders.
    -2 vermilion. ˚धातुः red chalk. ˚युज् m. a house-breaker.
    -रङ्गिका the Mūrvā plant.
    -रजःफलः the jack-fruit tree.
    -रञ्जनः the betel nut tree.
    -रत a.
    1 much sported.
    -2 playful.
    -3 much enjoyed.
    -4 compassionate, tender.
    (-तम्) 1 great delight or enjoyment.
    -2 copulation, sexual union or intercourse, coition; सुरतमृदिता बालवनिता Bh.2. 44. ˚गुरुः the husband; पर्यच्छे सरसि हृतें$शुके पयोभिर्लोलाक्षे सुरतगुरावपत्रपिष्णोः Śi.8.46. ˚ताण्डवम् vigorous sexual movements; अद्यापि तां सुरतताण्डवसूत्रधारीं (स्मरामि) Bil. Ch. Uttara.28. ˚ताली
    1 a female messenger, a go-between.
    -2 a chaplet, garland for the head. ˚प्रसंगः addiction to amorous pleasures; कालक्रमेणाथ योः प्रवृत्ते स्वरूपयोग्ये सुरत- प्रसंगे Ku.1.19.
    -रतिः f. great enjoyment or satis- faction.
    -रस a. well-flavoured, juicy, savoury.
    -2 sweet.
    -3 elegant (as a composition). (
    -सः, -सा) the plant सिन्धुवार. (
    -सा) N. of Durgā. (
    -सा, -सम्) the sacred basil.
    (-सम्) 1 gum-myrrh.
    -2 fragrant grass.
    -राजन् a. governed by a good king; सुराज्ञि देशे राजन्वान् Ak. (-m.)
    1 a good king.
    -2 a divinity.
    -राजिका a small house-lizard.
    -राष्ट्रम् N. of a country on the western side of India (Surat). ˚जम् a kind of poison.
    -2 a sort of black bean (Mar. तूर). ˚ब्रह्मः a Brāhmaṇa of Surāṣṭra.
    -रूप a.
    1 well-formed, handsome, love- ly; सुरूपा कन्या.
    -2 wise, learned. (
    -पः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -रूहकः a horse resembling an ass.
    -रेतस् n. mental power (चिच्छक्ति); सुरेतसादः पुनराविश्य चष्टे Bhāg. 5.7.14.
    -रेभ a. fine-voiced; स्यन्दना नो चतुरगाः सुपेभा वाविपत्तयः । स्यन्दना नो च तुरगाः सुरेभा वा विपत्तयः ॥ Ki.15.16. (
    -भम्) tin.
    -लक्षण a.
    1 having auspicious or beautiful marks.
    -2 fortunate.
    (-णम्) 1 observing, examining carefully, determining, ascertaining.
    -2 a good or auspicious mark.
    -लक्षित a. well determined or ascertained; तुलामानं प्रतीमानं सर्वं च स्यात् सुलक्षितम् Ms.8.43.
    -लग्नः, -ग्नम् an auspicious moment.
    -लभ a.
    1 easy to be obtained, easy of attainment, attainable, feasible; न सुलभा सकलेन्दुमुखी च सा V.2.9; इदमसुलभवस्तुप्रार्थनादुर्नि- वारम् 2.6.
    -2 ready for, adapted to, fit, suitable; निष्ठ्यूतश्चरणोपभोगसुलभो लाक्षारसः केनचित् Ś.4.4.
    -3 natural to, proper for; मानुषतासुलभो लघिमा K. ˚कोप a. easily provoked, irascible.
    -लिखित a. well registered.
    -लुलित a.
    1 moving playfully.
    -2 greatly hurt, injured.
    -लोचन a. fine-eyed. (
    -नः) a deer.
    (-ना) 1 a beauti- ful woman.
    -2 N. of the wife of Indrajit.
    -लोहकम् brass.
    -लोहित a. very red. (
    -ता) one of the seven tongues of fire.
    -वक्त्रम् 1 a good face or mouth.
    -2 correct utterance. (
    -क्त्रः) N. of Śiva.
    -वचनम्, -वचस् n. eloquence. -a. eloquent.
    -वयस् f. a hermaphrodite.
    -वर्चकः, -वर्चिकः, -का, -वर्चिन् m. natron, alkali.
    -वर्चला 1 N. of the wife of the sun; तं चाहमनुवर्तिष्ये यथा सूर्यं सुवर्चला Rām.2.3.3.
    -2 linseed.
    -वर्चसः N. of Śiva.
    -वर्चस्क a. splendid, brilliant.
    -वर्ण see s. v.
    -वर्तित 1 well rounded.
    -2 well arranged.
    -वर्तुलः a water-melon.
    -वसन्तः 1 an agreeable vernal season.
    -2 the day of full moon in the month of Chaitra, or a festival celebrated in honour of Kāmadeva in that month (also सुवसन्तकः in this sense).
    -वह a.
    1 bearing well, patient.
    -2 patient, enduring.
    -3 easy to be borne-
    (-हा) 1 a lute.
    -2 N. of several plants like रास्ना, निर्गुण्डी &c.; Mātaṅga L.1.1.
    -वासः 1 N. of Śiva.
    -2 a pleasant dwelling.
    -3 an agreeable perfume or odo- ur.
    -वासकः a water-melon.
    -वासरा cress.
    -वासिनी 1 a woman married or single who resides in her father's house.
    -2 a married woman whose husband is alive.
    -विक्रान्त a. very valiant or bold, chivalrous; सुविक्रान्तस्य नृपतेः सर्वमेव महीतलम् Śiva. B.16.45. (
    -न्तः) a hero. (
    -न्तम्) heroism.
    -विग्रह a. having a beautiful figure.
    -विचक्षण a. very clever, wise.
    -विद् m. a learned man, shrewd person. (-f.) a shrewd or clever woman.
    -विदः 1 an attendant on the women's apartments.
    -2 a king.
    -विदग्ध a. very cunning, astute.
    -विदत् m. a king
    -विदत्रम् 1 a household, family.
    -2 wealth.
    -3 grace, favour.
    -विदल्लः an attendant on the women's apart- ments (wrongly for सौविदल्ल q. v.). (
    -ल्लम्) the wo- men's apartments, harem.
    -विदल्ला a married woman.
    -विध a. of a good kind.
    -विधम् ind. easily.
    -विधिः a good rule, ordinance.
    -विनीत a.
    1 well trained, modest.
    -2 well executed. (
    -ता) a tractable cow.
    -विनेय a. easy to be trained or educated.
    -विभक्त a. well pro- portioned, symmetrical.
    -विरूढ a.
    1 fully grown up or developed.
    -2 well ridden.
    -विविक्त a.
    1 solitary (as a wood).
    -2 well decided (as a question).
    -विहित a.
    1 well-placed, well-deposited.
    -2 well-furnished, well- supplied, well-provided, well-arranged; सुविहितप्रयोगतया आर्यस्य न किमपि परिहास्यते Ś.1; कलहंसमकरन्दप्रेवशावसरे तत् सुविहितम् Māl.1.
    -3 well done or performed.
    -4 well satisfied (by hospitality); अन्नपानैः सुविहितास्तस्मिन् यज्ञे महात्मनः Rām.1.14.16.
    -वी(बी)ज a. having good seed.
    (-जः) 1 N. of Śiva.
    -2 the poppy. (
    -जम्) good seed.
    -वीरकम् 1 a kind of collyrium.
    -2 sour gruel (काञ्जिक); सुवीरकं याच्यमाना मद्रिका कर्षति स्फिचौ Mb.8.4.38.
    -वीराम्लम् sour rice-gruel.
    -वीर्य a.
    1 having great vigour.
    -2 of heroic strength, heroic, chivalrous.
    (-र्यम्) 1 great heroism
    -2 abundance of heroes.
    -3 the fruit of the jujube. (
    -र्या) wild cotton.
    -वृक्तिः f.
    1 a pure offering.
    -2 a hymn of praise.
    -वृत्त a.
    1 well-behaved, virtuous, good; मयि तस्य सुवृत्त वर्तते लघुसंदेशपदा सरस्वती R. 8.77.
    -2 well-rounded, beautifully globular or round; मृदुनातिसुवृत्तेन सुमृष्टेनातिहारिणा । मोदकेनापि किं तेन निष्पत्तिर्यस्य सेवया ॥ or सुमुखो$पि सुवृत्तो$पि सन्मार्गपतितो$पि च । महतां पादलग्नो$पि व्यथयत्येव कष्टकः ॥ (where all the adjectives are used in a double sense). (
    -त्तम्) a good or virtuous conduct; भर्तुश्चिन्तानुवर्तित्वं सुवृत्तं चानुजीविनाम् Pt.1.69. (
    -त्ता) a sort of grape.
    -वेल a.
    1 tranquil, still.
    -2 humble, quiet. (
    -लः) N. of the Trikūṭa mountain.
    -व्रत a. strict in the observance of religious vows, strictly virtuous or religious. (
    -तः) a religious student.
    (-ता) 1 a virtuous wife.
    -2 a tractable cow, one easily milked.
    -शंस a. well spoken of, famous, glorious, commendable.
    -शक a. capable of being easily done.
    -शर्मन् (m., f.) a person desiring intercourse (Uṇ.4. 165].
    -शल्यः the Khadira tree.
    -शाकम् undried ginger.
    -शारदः N. of Śiva.
    -शासित a. kept under control, well-controlled.
    -शिक्षित a. well-taught, trained, well- disciplined.
    -शिखः fire.
    (-खा) 1 a peacock's crest.
    -2 a cock's comb.
    -शीतम् yellow sandal-wood.
    -शीम a. cold, frigid. (
    -मः) coldness
    -शील a. good-tempered, amiable.
    (-ला) 1 N. of the wife of Yama.
    -2 N. of one of the eight favourite wives of Kriṣṇa.
    -शेव a. full of happiness; pleasant to be resorted; एष पन्था उरुगायः मुशेवः Ait. Br.7.13.11.
    -शोण a. dark-red.
    -श्रीका the gum olibanum tree.
    -श्रुत a.
    1 well heard.
    -2 versed in the Vedas.
    -3 gladly heard (also an ex- clamation at a श्राद्ध); पित्रे स्वदितमित्येव वाच्यं गोष्ठे तु सुश्रुतम् Ms.3.254. (
    -तः) N. of the author of a system of medicine, whose work, together with that of Charaka, is regardad as the oldest medical authority, and held in great esteem in India even to this day.
    -श्लिष्ट a.
    1 well-arranged or united.
    -2 well-fitted; Māl.1.
    -श्लेषः close union or embrace.
    -श्लोक्य a. very famous; तेजीयसामपि ह्येतन्न सुश्लोक्यं जगद्गुरो Bhāg.3.12.31.
    -संवीत a.
    1 well-girt; स ददर्श ततः श्रीमान् सुग्रीवं हेमपिङ्गलम् । सुसंवीतम्... Rām.4.16.15.
    -2 well dressed.
    -संवृतिः good concealment. a. well-concealed; परितप्तो$प्यपरः सुसंवृतिः Śi.16.23.
    -संस्कृत a.
    1 well cooked or prepared.
    -2 kept in good order; सुसंस्कृतोपस्करया व्यये चामुक्तहस्तया Ms.5.15.
    -संगृहीत a.
    1 well controlled or governed; सुसंगृहीतराष्ट्रो हि पार्थिवः सुखमेधते Ms.7.113.
    -2 well received.
    -3 well kept.
    -4 well abridged.
    -संध a. true to a promise.
    -संनत a. well-directed (as an arrow).
    -सत्या N. of the wife of Janaka.
    -सदृश् a. agreeable to look at.
    -समाहित a.
    1 well arranged, beautifully adorned; very beautiful; ऋतुकालं प्रतीक्षन्ते नार्थिनः सुसमाहिते । संगमं त्वहमिच्छामि त्वया सह सुमध्यमे ॥ Rām.1.48.18.
    -2 completely loaded; तद्यथानः सुसमा- हितमुत्सर्जद्यायात् Bṛi. Up.4.3.35.
    -3 Very intent, attentive.
    -समीहित a. much desired.
    - सरण N. of Śiva.
    -सह a.
    1 easy to be borne.
    -2 bearing or enduring well. (
    -हः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -सहाय a. having a good companion; प्रणेतुं शक्यते दण्डः सुसहायेन धीमता Ms.7.31.
    -साधित a. well trained or educated.
    -सार a. having good sap or essence.
    (-रः) 1 good sap, essence, or substance.
    -2 competence.
    -3 the red-flowering Kha- dira tree.
    -सारवत् n. crystal.
    -सिकता 1 good sand.
    -2 gravel.
    -3 sugar.
    -सुरप्रिया jasmine.
    -सेव्य a. to be well or easily followed (as a road).
    -सौभगम् con- jugal felicity.
    -स्थ a.
    1 well-suited, being in a good sense.
    -2 in health, healthy, faring well.
    -3 in good or prosperous circumstances, prosperous.
    -4 happy, fortunate. (
    -स्थम्) a happy state, well-being; प्रह्लाद सुस्थरूपोसि पश्यन् व्यसनमात्मनः Mb.12.222.12; सुस्थे को वा न पण्डितः H.3.114.
    -स्थित a. in the same sense as सुस्थ. (
    -तम्) a house with a gallery on all sides.
    -स्थितिः (also सुस्थता) f.
    1 good condition, well-being, welfare, happiness.
    -2 health, convalescence.
    -स्थिर a.
    1 stable.
    -2 resolute, cool.
    -स्नातः 1 one who bathes at the end of a sacrifice; L. D. B.
    -2 well purified by bathing.
    -स्मित a. pleasantly smiling. (
    -ता) a woman with a pleased or smiling countenance.
    -स्वपनः an epithet of Śiva.
    -स्वर a.
    1 melodious, harmonious.
    -2 loud. ˚यन्त्रकम् a kind of musical instrument; युता सुस्वरयन्त्रकैः Śukra.1.247.
    -हित a.
    1 very fit or suitable, appro- priate.
    -2 beneficial, salutary.
    -3 friendly, affection- ate.
    -4 satisfied; सहस्रनेत्रः सुहितत्वमाप न Rām. ch.2.64. (
    -ता) one of the seven tongues of fire.
    -हृद् a. having a kind heart, cordial, friendly, loving, affectionate; सुहृदः सुहृदो$न्यांश्च दुर्हृदश्चापि दुर्हृदः । सम्यक्प्रवृत्तान् पुरुषान्नसम्यगनुपश्यतः ॥ Mb.3.28.36. (-m.)
    1 a friend; सुहृदः पश्य वसन्त किं स्थितम् Ku.4.27; मन्दायन्ते न खलु सुहृदामभ्युपेतार्थकृत्याः Me.4.
    -2 an ally. ˚भेदः
    1 the separation of friends.
    -2 N. of the 2nd book of the हितोपदेश; मित्रलाभः सुहृद्भेदो विग्रहः संधिरेव च । पञ्चतन्त्रात्तथान्यस्माद् ग्रन्थादाकृष्य लिख्यते ॥ H. Pr.9. ˚वाक्यम् the counsel of a friend.
    -हृदः a friend.
    -हृदय a.
    1 good-hearted.
    -2 dear, affectionate, loving.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > सु _su


    Récipient fait d'une demi-calebasse.
    Launey II 299.
    Mex., xijara.
    Esp., vaso de calabaza (M).
    recipiente para guardar tortillas (Z).
    Angl., gourd vessel (K).
    gourd bowl. Sah10,78.
    Comme article de tibut. Matricula de Tributos lam 6.
    Note: calabash tree. Quiché 'zimah', Guatemala'jicaro'.
    It is a tree of the Bigonia family. Crescentia cujete. The round or ovale shaped fruit of this tree has a hard rind from which the indians make vases 'jicaras' and 'guacales'.
    " in quimichin quicoyônia in chiquihuitl ahnôzo tecomatl ahnôzo xîcalli quitêncuahcuaya ", la souris fait un trou dans une corbeille ou rongeait le bord d'une une coupe ou d'une calebasse - the mouse made a hole in a large basket or gnawed the edges of gourd dishes or bowls. Sah5,191.
    " îmac mantinenca xoxohuic xoxôuhqui xîcalli oncân yetinemi âtl ", dans sa main repose une calebasse verte dans laquelle se trouve de l'eau - in his hand went resting a green gourd vessel in which was water. Sah1,45.
    " ic concui in îezzo îmal xoxohuîc xîcalli tlatêmpotônîlli ", il prend le sang de son prisonnier dans une coupe verte dont le bord est orné de duvet. Sah2,53-54.
    * à la forme possédée distributive.
    " cequintin quihuihuicah in încohcôn cequintin înxihxîcal in oncân quitêcah in înnetlacâhuîl ", certains emportent leur marmite, certains leur vase, où ils mettent leurs restes. Ici à une forme distributive. Sah2,96.
    F.Karttunen et R.Andrews transcrivent xîcalli, Launey donne xicalli.

    Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl classique > XICALLI

  • 10 महा _mahā

    महा A cow.
    महा The substitute of महत् at the beginning of Karmadhāraya and Bahuvrīhi compounds, and also at the beginning of some other irregular words. (Note: The number of compounds of which महा is the first mem- ber is very large, and may be multiplied ad infinitum. The more important of them, or such as have peculiar significations, are given below.)
    -Comp. -अक्षः an epithet of Śiva. ˚पटलिक a chief keeper of archives.
    -अङ्ग a. huge, bulky.
    -(ङ्गः) 1 a camel.
    -2 a kind of rat.
    -3 N. of Śiva.
    -अञ्जनः N. of a mountain.
    -अत्ययः a great danger or calamity.
    -अध्वनिक a. 'having gone a long way', dead.
    -अध्वरः a great sacrifice.
    -अनसम् 1 a heavy carriage.
    -2 cooking utensils. (
    -सी) a kitchen-maid. (
    -सः, -सम्) a kitchen; सूपानस्य करिष्यामि कुशलो$स्मि महानसे Mb.4.2.2.
    -अनिलः a whirl- wind; महानिलेनेव निदाघजं रजः Ki.14.59.
    -अनुभाव a.
    1 of great prowess, dignified, noble, glorious, magnanimous, exalted, illustrious; ग्रहीतुमार्यान् परिचर्यया मुहुर्महानु- भावा हि नितान्तमर्थिनः Śi.1.17; Ś.3.
    -2 virtuous, righteous, just.
    (-वः) 1 a worthy or respectable person.
    -2 (pl.) people of a religious sect in Mahārāṣtra founded by Chakradhara in the 13th century.
    -अन्तकः 1 death.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -अन्धकारः 1 thick darkness.
    -2 gross (spiritual) ignorance.
    -अन्ध्राः (pl.) N. of a people and their country.
    -अन्वय, -अभिजन a. nobly-born, of noble birth. (
    -यः, -नः) noble birth, high descent.
    -अभिषवः the great extraction of Soma.
    -अमात्यः the chief or prime minister (of a king).
    -अम्बुकः an epithet of Śiva.
    -अम्बुजम् a billion.
    -अम्ल a. very sour. (
    -म्लम्) the fruit of the tamarind tree. अरण्यम् a great (dreary) forest, large forest.
    -अर्घ a. very costly, costing a high price; महार्घस्तीर्थानामिव हि महतां को$प्यतिशयः U.6.11. (
    -र्घः) a kind of quail.
    -अर्घ्य a.
    1 valuable, precious.
    -2 invaluable; ines- timable; see महार्ह below.
    -अर्चिस् a. flaming high.
    -अर्णवः 1 the great ocean.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -अर्थ a.
    1 rich.
    -2 great, noble, dignified.
    -3 important, weighty.
    -4 significant.
    -अर्बुदम् one thousand millions.
    -अर्ह a.
    1 very valuable, very costly; महार्हशय्यापरिवर्तनच्युतैः स्वकेशपुष्पैरपि या स्म दूयते Ku.5.12.
    -2 invaluable, inestimable; महार्हशयनोपेत किं शेषे निहतो भुवि Rām.6.19. 2. (
    -र्हम्) white sandal-wood.
    -अवरोहः the fig-tree.
    -अशनिध्वजः a great banner in the form of the thunderbolt; जहार चान्येन मयूरपत्रिणा शरेण शक्रस्य महाशनि- ध्वजम् R.3.56.
    - अशन a. voracious, gluttonous; Mb. 4.
    -अश्मन् m. a precious stone, ruby.
    -अष्टमी the eighth day in the bright half of Āśvina sacred to Durgā; आश्विने शुक्लपक्षस्य भवेद् या तिथिरष्टमी । महाष्टमीति सा प्रोक्ता......
    -असिः a large sword.
    -असुरी N. of Durgā.
    -अह्नः the afternoon.
    -आकार a. extensive, large, great.
    -आचार्यः 1 a great teacher.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -आढ्य a. wealthy, very rich. (
    -ढ्यः) the Kadamba tree.
    -आत्मन् a.
    1 high-souled, high-minded, magnanimous, noble; अयं दुरात्मा अथवा महात्मा कौटिल्यः Mu.7; द्विषन्ति मन्दाश्चरितं महात्मनाम् Ku.5.75; U.1.49; प्रकृतिसिद्धमिदं हि महात्मनाम् Bh.1.63.
    -2 illustrious, distinguished, exalted, eminent; किमाचाराः किमाहाराः क्व च वासो महात्मनाम् Mb.3. 1.4.
    -3 mighty (महाबल); अथायमस्यां कृतवान् महात्मा लङ्केश्वरः कष्टमनार्यकर्म Rām.5.9.74. (-m.)
    1 the Supreme Spirit; युगपत्तु प्रलीयन्ते यदा तस्मिन् महात्मनि Ms.1.54.
    -2 the great principle, i. e. intellect of the Sāṅkhyas. (महात्मवत् means the same as महात्मन्).
    -आनकः a kind of large drum.
    -आनन्दः, -नन्दः 1 great joy or bliss.
    -2 espe- cially, the great bliss of final beatitude.
    (-न्दा) 1 spirituous liquor.
    -2 a festival on the ninth day in the bright half of Māgha.
    -आपगा a great river.
    -आयुधः an epithet of Śiva.
    -आरम्भ a. undertaking great works, enterprizing. (
    -म्भः) any great enterprize.
    -आलयः 1 a temple in general.
    -2 a sanctuary, an asylum.
    -3 a great dwelling.
    -4 a place of pilgrimage.
    -5 the world of Brahman.
    -6 the Supreme Spirit.
    -7 a tree &c. sacred to a deity.
    -8 N. of a particular dark fortnight.
    -9 पितृश्राद्ध in the month of Bhādra- pada. (
    -या) N. of a particular deity.
    - आशय a. high- souled, nobleminded, magnanimous, noble; दैवात् प्रबुद्धः शुश्राव वराहो हि महाशयः Ks; राजा हिरण्यगर्भो महाशयः H.4; see महात्मन्.
    (-यः) 1 a noble-minded or magnanimous person; महाशयचक्रवर्ती Bv.1.7.
    -2 the ocean.
    -आस्पद a.
    1 occupying a great position.
    -2 mighty, powerful.
    -आहवः a great or tumultuous fight.
    -इच्छ a.
    1 magnanimous, noble-minded, high-souled, noble; मही महेच्छः परिकीर्य सूनौ R.18.33.
    -2 having lofty aims or aspirations, ambitious; विद्यावतां महेच्छानां...... नाश्रयः पार्थिवं विना Pt.1.37.
    -इन्द्रः 1 'the great Indra', N. of Indra; इयं महेन्द्रप्रभृतीनधिश्रियः Ku.5.53; R.13.2; Ms.7.7.
    -2 a chief or leader in general.
    -3 N. of a mountain range; पतिर्महेन्द्रस्य महोदधेश्च R.6.54;4.39,43. ˚चापः rain-bow. ˚नगरी N. of Amarāvatī, the capital of Indra. ˚मन्त्रिन् m. an epithet of Bṛihaspati. ˚वाहः the elephant Airāvata; महेन्द्रवाहप्रतिमो महात्मा Mb.9.17.52.
    -इभ्य a. very rich.
    -इषुः a great archer; अधिरोहति गाण्डीवं महेषौ Ki.13.16.
    -इष्वासः a great archer, a great warrior; अत्र शूरा महेष्वासा भामार्जुनसमा युधि Bg.1.4.
    -ईशः, -ईशानः N. of Śiva; महेशस्त्वां धत्ते शिरसि रसराजस्य जयिनीम् Udb. ˚बन्धुः the Bilva tree.
    -ईशानी N. of Pārvatī.
    -ईश्वरः 1 a great lord, sovereign; महेश्वरस्त्र्यम्बक एव नापरः R.; गोप्तारं न निधीनां कथयन्ति महेश्वरं विबुधाः Pt.2.74.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -3 of Viṣṇu.
    -4 a god (opp. प्रकृति).
    -5 the Supreme Being (परमात्मा); मायां तु प्रकृतिं विद्यान्मायिनं तु महेश्वरम् Śvet. Up.4.1. ˚सखः N. of Kubera; यया कैलासभवने महेश्वरसखं बली Mb.9.11.55.
    (-री) 1 N. of Durgā.
    -2 a kind of bell-metal.
    -उक्षः (for उक्षन्) a large bull; a full grown or strong bull; महोक्षतां वत्सतरः स्पृशन्निव R.3.32;4.22;6.72; Śi.5.63.
    -उत्पलम् a large blue lotus. (
    -लः) the Sārasa bird.
    -उत्सवः 1 a great festival or occasion of joy; नयनविषयं जन्मन्येकः स एव महोत्सवः Māl.1.36.
    -2 the god of love.
    -उत्साह a. possessed of great energy, energetic, persevering; अहं च कर्णं जानामि...... सत्यसंधं महोत्साहं...... Mb.3.91.2.
    (-हः) 1 perseverance.
    -2 great pride; ये जात्यादिमहो- त्साहान्नरेन्द्रान्नोपयान्ति च । तेषामामरणं भिक्षा प्रायश्चितं विनिर्मितम् ॥ Pt.1.38.
    -उदधिः 1 the great ocean; महोदधेः पूर इवेन्दु- दर्शनात् R.3.17.
    -2 an epithet of Indra. ˚जः a conch- shell, shell.
    - उदय a. very prosperous or lucky, very glorious or splendid, of great prosperity.
    (-यः) 1 (a) great elevation or rise, greatness, prosperity; नन्दस्त्वतीन्द्रियं दृष्ट्वा लोकपालमहोदयम् Bhāg.1.28.1; अपवर्ग- महोदयार्थयोर्भुवमंशाविव धर्मयोर्गतौ R.8.16. (b) great fortune or good luck. (c) greatness, pre-eminence.
    -2 final beatitude.
    -3 a lord, master.
    -4 N. of the district called Kānyakubja or Kanouja; see App.
    -5 N. of the capital of Kanouja.
    -6 sour milk mixed with honey.
    -7 = महात्मन् q. v.; संसक्तौ किमसुलभं महोदयानाम Ki.7.27. ˚पर्वन् a time of union of the middle of श्रवण नक्षत्र and the end of व्यतिपात (generally in the month of माघ or पौष at the beginning of अमावास्या).
    - उदर a. big-bellied, corpulent.
    -(रम्) 1 a big belly.
    -2 dropsy.
    -उदार a.
    1 very generous or magnanimous.
    -2 mighty, powerful.
    -उद्यम a. = महोत्साह q. v; महोद्यमाः कर्म समा- रभन्ते.
    -उद्योग a. very industrious or diligent, hard- working.
    -उद्रेकः a particular measure (= 4 प्रस्थs).
    -उन्नत a. exceedingly lofty. (
    -तः) the palmyra tree.
    -उन्नतिः f. great rise or elevation (fig. also), high rank.
    -उपकारः a great obligation.
    -उपाध्यायः a great preceptor, a learned teacher.
    -उरगः a great serpent; वपुर्महोरगस्येव करालफणमण्डलम् R.12.98.
    -उरस्क a. broad-chested. (
    -स्कः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -उर्मिन् m. the ocean; ततः सागरमासाद्य कुक्षौ तस्य महोर्मिणः Mb.3.2.17.
    -उल्का 1 a great meteor.
    -2 a great fire-brand.
    -ऋत्विज् m. 'great priest', N. of the four chief sacri- ficial priests.
    -ऋद्धि a. very prosperous, opulent. (-f.) great prosperity or affluence.
    -ऋषभः a great bull.
    -ऋषिः 1 a great sage or saint; यस्मादृषिः परत्वेन महांस्त- स्मान्महर्षयः; (the term is applied in Ms.1.34 to the ten Prajāpatis or patriarchs of mankind, but it is also used in the general sense of 'a great sage').
    -2 N. of Sacute;iva.
    -3 of Buddha.
    -ओघ a. having a strong current.
    -घः a very large number; शतं खर्व- सहस्राणां समुद्रमभिधीयते । शतं समुद्रसाहस्रं महौघमिति विश्रुतम् ॥ Rām.6.28.37.
    -ओष्ठ (महोष्ठ) a. having large lips. (
    -ष्ठः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -ओजस् a. very mighty or powerful, possessed of great splendour or glory; महौजसा मानधना धनार्चिताः Ki.1.19. (-m.) a great hero or warrior, a champion. (-n.) great vigour.
    -ओजसम् the discus of Viṣṇu (सुदर्शन). (
    -सी) N. of plant (Mar. कांगणी).
    -ओदनी Asparagus Racemosus (Mar. शतावरी).
    -ओषधिः f.
    1 a very efficacious medicinal plant, a sovereign drug.
    -2 the Dūrvā grass.
    -3 N. of various plants ब्राह्मी, श्वेतकण्टकारी, कटुका, अतिविष &c. ˚गणः a collection of great or medicinal herbs:-- पृश्निपर्णी श्यामलता भृङ्गराजः शतावरी । गुड्चा सहदेवी च महौषधिगणः स्मृतः ॥ cf. also सहदेवी तथा व्याघ्री बला चातिबला त्वचा । शङ्खपुष्पी तथा सिंही अष्टमी च सुवर्चला ॥ महौषध्यष्टकं प्रोक्तं....
    -औषधम् 1 a sovereign remedy, panacea.
    -2 ginger.
    -3 garlic.
    -4 a kind of poison (वत्सनाभ).
    -कच्छः 1 the sea.
    -2 N. of Varuṇa.
    -3 a mountain.
    -कन्दः garlic.
    -कपर्दः a kind of shell.
    -कपित्थः 1 the Bilva tree.
    -2 red garlic.
    -कम्बु a. stark naked. (
    -म्बुः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -कर a.
    1 large-handed.
    -2 having a large revenue.
    -कर्णः an epithet of Śiva.
    -कर्मन् a. doing great works. (-m.) an epithet of Śiva.
    -कला the night of the new moon.
    -कल्पः a great cycle of time (1 years of Brahman); Bhāg.7.15.69.
    -कविः 1 a great poet, a classical poet, such as कालिदास, भवभूति, बाण, भारवि &c.
    -2 an epithet of Śukra.
    -कषायः N. of a plant (Mar. कायफळ).
    -कान्तः an epithet of Śiva. (
    -ता) the earth.
    -काय a. big-bodied, big, gigantic, bulky.
    (-यः) 1 an elephant.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -3 of Viṣṇu.
    -4 of a being attending on Śiva (= नन्दि).
    -कारुणिक a. exceedingly compassionate.
    -कार्तिकी the night of full-moon in the month of Kārtika.
    -कालः 1 a form of Śiva in his character as the destroyer of the world; महाकालं यजेद्देव्या दक्षिणे धूम्रवर्णकम् Kālītantram.
    -2 N. of a cele- brated shrine or temple of Śiva (Mahākāla) (one of the 12 celebrated Jyotirliṅgas) established at Ujjayinī (immortalized by Kālidāsa in his Meghadūta, which gives a very beautiful description of the god, his temple, worship &c., together with a graphic picture of the city; cf. Me.3-38; also R.6.34); महाकालनिवासिनं कालीविलासिनमनश्वरं महेश्वरं समाराध्य Dk.1.1.
    -3 an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -4 N. of a kind of gourd.
    -5 N. of Śiva's servant (नन्दि). ˚पुरम् the city of Ujjayinī. ˚फलम् a red fruit with black seeds; पक्वं महाकालफलं किलासीत् N.22.29.
    -काली an epithet of Durgā in her terrific form.
    -काव्यम् a great or classical poem; (for a full description of its nature, contents &c., according to Rhetoricians see S. D.559). (The number of Mahākāvyas is usually said to be five:-- रघुवंश, कुमारसंभव, किरातार्जुनीय, शिशुपालवध and नैषधचरित or six, if मेघदूत-- a very small poem or खण़्डकाव्य-- be added to the list. But this enumeration is apparently only traditional, as there are several other poems, such as the भट्टिकाव्य, विक्रमाङ्कदेवचरित, हरविजय &c. which have an equal claim to be considered as Mahākāvyas).
    -कीर्तनम् a house.
    -कुमारः the eldest son of a reigning prince, heir-apparent.
    -कुल, -कुलीन a. of noble birth or descent, sprung from a noble family, nobly born. (
    -लम्) a noble birth or family, high descent.
    -कुहः a species of parasitical worm.
    -कृच्छ्रम् a great penance.
    -केतुः N. of Śiva.
    -केशः, -कोशः 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 a large sheath.
    -क्रतुः a great sacrifice; e. g. a horse-sacrifice; तदङ्गमग्ऱ्यं मघवन् महाक्रतोरमुं तुरङ्गं प्रतिमोक्तुमर्हसि R.3.46.
    -क्रमः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -क्रोधः an epithet of Śiva.
    -क्षत्रपः a great satrap.
    -क्षीरः sugar-cane.
    -क्षीरा f. a She-buffalo; Nighaṇṭaratnākara.
    -खर्वः, -र्वम् a high number (ten billions ?).
    -गजः a great elephant; see दिक्करिन्.
    -गणपतिः a form of the god Gaṇeśa.
    -गदः fever.
    -गन्ध a. exceedingly fragrant. (
    -न्धः) a kind of cane. (
    -न्धम्) a kind of sandal- wood. (
    -न्धा) N. of Chāmuṇḍā.
    -गर्तः, -गर्भः -गीतः N. of Śiva.
    -गर्दभगन्धिका N. of a plant, भारङ्गी.
    -गल a. longnecked.
    -गवः Bos gavaeus.
    -गुण a. very efficacious, sovereign (as a medicine); त्वया ममैष संबन्धः कपिमुख्य महागुणः Rām.5.1.12. (
    -णः) a chief quality, cardinal virtue.
    -गुरुः a highly respectable or venerable person; (these are three, the father, mother and preceptor; पिता माता तथाचार्यो महागुरुरिति स्मृतः).
    -गुल्मा the Soma plant.
    -गृष्टिः f. a cow with a large hump.
    -ग्रहः 1 an epithet of Rāhu.
    -2 the sun; महाग्रहग्राहविनष्टपङ्कः Rām.5.5.6.
    -ग्रामः N. of the ancient capital of Ceylon, the modern Māgama.
    -ग्रीवः 1 a camel.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -ग्रीविन् m. a camel.
    -घूर्णा spirituous liquor.
    -घृतम् ghee kept for a long time (for medicinal purposes).
    -घोष a. noisy, loud-sounding. (
    -षम्) a market, fair. (
    -षः) a loud noise, clamour.
    -चक्रम् the mystic circle in the शाक्त ceremonial.
    -चक्रवर्तिन् m. a universal monarch.
    -चण्डा N. of Chāmuṇḍā.
    -चपला a kind of metre.
    -चमूः f. a large army.
    -छायः the fig-tree.
    -जङ्घः a camel.
    -जटः an epithet of Śiva.
    -जटा 1 a great braid of hair.
    -2 the matted hair of Śiva.
    -जत्रु a. having a great collar-bone. (
    -त्रुः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -जनः 1 a multitude of men, a great many beings, the general populace or public; महाजनो येन गतः स पन्थाः Mb.3.313. 117; आगम्य तु ततो राजा विसृज्य च महाजनम् 6.98.25.
    -2 the populace, mob; विलोक्य वृद्धोक्षमधिष्ठितं त्वया महाजनः स्मेरमुखो भविष्यति Ku.5.7.
    -3 a great man, a distinguished or eminent man; महाजनस्य संसर्गः कस्य नोन्नतिकारकः । पद्मपत्रस्थितं तोयं धत्ते मुक्ताफलश्रियम् Pt.3.6.
    -4 the chief of a caste or trade.
    -5 a merchant, tradesman.
    -जवः an antelope.
    -जातीय a.
    1 rather large.
    -2 of an excellent kind.
    -जालिः, -ली N. of a plant (Mar. सोनामुखी)
    -जिह्वः an epithet of Śiva.
    -ज्ञानिन् m.
    1 a very learned man.
    -2 a great sage.
    -3 N. of Śiva.
    -ज्यैष्ठी the day of fullmoon in the month of Jyeṣṭha; ताभिर्दृश्यत एष यान् पथि महाज्यैष्ठीमहे मन्महे N.15.89; पूर्णिमा रविवारेण महाज्यैष्ठी प्रकीर्तिता Agni P.121.63.
    -ज्योतिस् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -ज्वरः great affliction.
    -ज्वाल a. very brilliant or shining.
    (-लः) 1 N. of Śiva.
    -2 a sacrificial fire.
    -डीनम् a kind of flight; 'यानं महाडीनमाहुः पवित्रामूर्जितां गतिम्' Mb.8.41.27 (com.).
    -तपस् m.
    1 a great ascetic.
    -2 an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -तलम् N. of one of the seven lower regions; see पाताल.
    -तारा N. of a Buddhist goddess.
    -तिक्तः the Nimba tree.
    -तिथिः the 6th day of a lunation.
    -तीक्ष्ण a. exceedingly sharp or pungent. (
    -क्ष्णा) the marking- nut plant.
    -तेजस् a.
    1 possessed of great lustre or splendour.
    -2 very vigorous or powerful, heroic. (-m.)
    1 a hero, warrior.
    -2 fire.
    -3 an epithet of Kārtikeya. (-n.) quick-silver.
    -त्याग, -त्यागिन् a. very generous. (-m.) N. of Śiva.
    -दंष्ट्रः a species of big tiger.
    -दन्तः 1 an elephant with large tusks.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -दण्डः 1 a long arm.
    -2 a severe punishment.
    -दम्भः an epithet of Śiva.
    -दशा the influence exercised (over a man's destiny) by a predominant planet.
    -दानम् the gift of gold equal to one's own weight; अथातः संप्रवक्ष्यामि महादानस्य लक्षणम्.
    -दारु n. the devadāru tree.
    -दुर्गम् a great calamity; Pt.
    -दूषकः a kind of grain.
    -देवः N. of Śiva.
    (-वी) 1 N. of Pārvatī.
    -2 the chief queen.
    -द्रुमः the sacred fig-tree.
    -द्वारम् a large gate, the chief or outer gate of a temple.
    -धन a.
    1 rich.
    -2 expensive, costly; हेमदण्डैर्महाधनैः Rām.7. 77.13.
    (-नम्) 1 gold.
    -2 incense.
    -3 a costly or rich dress.
    -4 agriculture, husbandry.
    -5 anything costly or precious.
    -6 great booty.
    -7 a great battle (Ved.).
    -धनुस् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -धातुः 1 gold.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -3 lymph.
    -4 N. of Meru.
    -धी a. having a great understanding.
    -धुर्यः a full-grown draught ox.
    -ध्वजः a camel.
    -ध्वनिक a. dead.
    -नग्नः an athlete; Buddh.
    -नटः an epithet of Śiva; महानटः किं नु...... तनोति...... साम्प्रतमङ्गहारम् N.22.7; महानटबाहुनेव बद्धभुजाङ्केन Vās.
    -नदः a great river.
    -नदी 1 a great river, such as Gaṅgā, Kṛiṣṇā; मन्दरः पर्वतश्चाक्षो जङ्घा तस्य महानदी Mb.8.34.2; संभूयाम्भोधिमभ्येति महानद्या नगापगा Śi.2.1.
    -2 N. of a river falling into the bay of Bengal.
    -नन्दा 1 spirituous liquor.
    -2 N. of a river.
    -3 ninth day of the bright half of the month of Māgha; माघमासस्य या शुक्ला नवमी लोकपूजिचा । महानन्देति सा प्रोक्ता....
    -नरकः N. of one of the 21 hells.
    -नलः a kind of reed.
    -नवमी the ninth day in the bright half of Āśvina, sacred to the worship of Durgā ततो$नु नवमी यस्मात् सा महानवमी स्मृता.
    -नाटकम् 'the great drama', N. of a drama, also called Hanumannāṭaka, (being popularly ascribed to Hanumat); thus defined by S. D.:-- एतदेव यदा सर्वैः पताकास्थानकैर्युतम् । अङ्कैश्च दशभिर्धीरा महानाटकमूचिरे ॥
    -नाडी sinew, tendon.
    -नादः 1 a loud sound, uproar.
    -2 a great drum.
    -3 a thunder-cloud.
    -4 a shell.
    -5 an elephant.
    -6 a lion.
    -7 the ear.
    -8 a camel.
    -9 an epithet of Śiva. (
    -दम्) a musical instrument.
    -नाम्नी 1 N. of a परिशिष्ट of Sāmaveda.
    -2 (pl.) N. of 9 verses of Sāmaveda beginning with विदा मघवन् विदा.
    -नायकः 1 a great gem in the centre of a string of pearls.
    -2 a great head or chief.
    -नासः an epithet of Śiva.
    -निद्र a. fast asleep. (
    -द्रा) 'the great sleep', death.
    -निम्नम् intestines, abdomen.
    -नियमः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -निर्वाणम् total extinction of individuality (according to the Buddhists).
    -निशा 1 the dead of night, the second and third watches of the night; महानिशा तु विज्ञेया मध्यमं प्रहरद्वयम्
    -2 an epithet of Durgā.
    -नीचः a washerman.
    -नील a. dark-blue. (
    -लः) a kind of sapphire or emerald; इन्द्रनीलमहानीलमणिप्रवरवेदिकम् Rām.5.9.16; महा- महानीलशिलारुचः Śi.1.16;4.44; R.18.42; Kau. A.2.11. 29. ˚उपलः a sapphire.
    -नृत्यः, -नेत्रः an epithet of Śiva.
    -नेमिः a crow.
    -न्यायः the chief rule.
    -पक्ष a.
    1 having many adherents.
    -2 having a large family or retinue; महापक्षे धनिन्यार्थे निक्षेपं निक्षिपेद् बुधः Ms.8.179.
    (-क्षः) 1 an epithet of Garuḍa.
    -2 a kind of duck. (
    -क्षी) an owl.
    -पङ्क्तिः, -पदपङ्क्तिः a kind of metre.
    -पञ्चमूलम् the five great roots:-- बिल्वो$ग्निमन्थः श्योनाकः काश्मरी पाटला तथा । सर्वैस्तु मिलितैरेतैः स्यान्महापञ्चमूलकम् ॥
    -पञ्चविषम् the five great or deadly poisons:-- शृङ्गी च कालकूटश्च मुस्तको वत्सनाभकः । शङ्खकर्णीति योगो$यं महापञ्चविषाभिधः ॥
    -पटः the skin.
    -पथः 1 chief road, principal street, high or main road; संतानकाकीर्णमहापथं तत् Ku.7.3.
    -2 the passage into the next world, i. e. death.
    -3 N. of certain mountain-tops from which devout persons used to throw themselves down to secure entrance into heaven.
    -4 an epithet of Śiva.
    -5 the long pilgrimage to mount Ke- dāra.
    -6 the way to heaven.
    -7 the knowledge of the essence of Śiva acquired in the pilgrimage to Kedāra.
    -पथिक a.
    1 undertaking great journeys.
    -2 one receiving Śulka (toll) on the high way; cf. Mb.12.76.6 (com. महापथिकः समुद्रे नौयानेन गच्छन् यद्वा महापथि शुल्कग्राहकः)
    -पद्मः 1 a particular high number.
    -2 N. of Nārada.
    -3 N. of one of the nine treasures of Kubera.
    -4 N. of the southernmost elephant supporting the world.
    -5 an epithet of Nanda.
    -6 a Kinnara attendant on Kubera.
    (-द्मम्) 1 a white lotus.
    -2 N. of a city. ˚पतिः N. of Nanda.
    -पराकः a. a particular penance; Hch.
    -पराङ्णः a late hour in the afternoon.
    -पवित्रः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -पशुः large cattle; महापशूनां हरणे... दण्डं प्रकल्पयेत् Ms.8.324.
    -पातः a long flight; Pt.2.58.
    -पातकम् 1 a great sin, a heinous crime; ब्रह्महत्या सुरापानं स्तेयं गुर्वङ्गनागमः । महान्ति पातकान्याहुस्तत्संसर्गश्च पञ्चमम् ॥ Ms.1154.
    -2 any great sin or transgression.
    -पात्रः a prime minister.
    -पादः an epithet of Śiva.
    -पाप्मन् a. very sinful or wicked.
    -पुराणम् N. of a Purāṇa; महापुराणं विज्ञेयमेकादशकलक्षणम् Brav. P.
    -पुंसः a great man.
    -पुरुषः 1 a great man, an eminent or distinguished personage; शब्दं महापुरुषसंविहितं निशम्य U. 6.7.
    -2 the Supreme Spirit.
    -3 an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -पौरुषिकः a worshipper of Viṣṇu; तदहं ते$भिधास्यामि महापौरुषिको भवान् Bhāg.2.1.1.
    -पुष्पः a kind of worm.
    -पूजा great worship; any solemn worship performed on extraordinary occasions.
    -पृष्ठः a camel.
    -पोटगलः a kind of large reed.
    -प्रजापतिः N. of Viṣṇu.
    -प्रतीहारः a chief door-keeper.
    -प्रपञ्चः the great universe.
    -प्रभ a. of great lustre. (
    -भः) the light of a lamp.
    -प्रभुः 1 a great lord.
    -2 a king, sovereign.
    -3 a chief.
    -4 an epithet of Indra.
    -5 of Śiva
    -6 of Viṣṇu.
    -7 a great saint or holy man.
    -प्रलयः 'the great dissolution', the total annihilation of the universe at the end of the life of Brahman, when all the lokas with their inha- bitants, the gods, saints &c. including Brahman himself are annihilated; महाप्रलयमारुत...... Ve.3.4.
    -प्रश्नः a knotty question.
    -प्रसादः 1 a great favour.
    -2 a great present (of food offered to an idol); पादोदकं च निर्माल्यं नैवेद्यं च विशेषतः । महाप्रसाद इत्युक्त्वा ग्राह्यं विष्णोः प्रयत्नतः
    -प्रस्थानम् 1 departing this life, death.
    -2 setting out on a great journey for ending life; इहैव निधनं याम महाप्रस्थानमेव वा Rām.2.47.7 (com. महाप्रस्थानं मरणदीक्षा- पूर्वकमुत्तराभिमुखगमनम्); Mb.1.2.365.
    -प्राणः 1 the hard breathing or aspirate sound made in the pronunciation of the aspirates.
    -2 the aspirated letters themselves (pl.); they are:-- ख्, घ्, छ्, झ्, ठ्, ढ्, थ्, ध्, फ्, भ्, श्, ष्, स्, ह्.
    -3 a raven.
    -प्राणता possession of great strength or essence; अन्यांश्च जीवत एव महाप्राणतया स्फुरतो जग्राह K.
    -प्रेतः a noble departed spirit.
    -प्लवः a great flood, deluge;... क्षिप्तसागरमहाप्लवामयम् Śi.14.71.
    -फल a.
    1 bearing much fruit.
    -2 bringing much reward.
    (-ला) 1 a bitter gourd.
    -2 a kind of spear.
    (-लम्) 1 a great fruit or reward.
    -2 a testicle.
    -फेना the cuttle-fish bone.
    -बन्धः a peculiar position of hands or feet.
    -बभ्रुः a kind of animal living in holes.
    -बल a. very strong; नियुज्यमानो राज्याय नैच्छद्राज्यं महाबलः Rām
    (-लः) 1 wind, storm.
    -2 a Buddha.
    -3 a solid bamboo.
    -4 a palm.
    -5 a crocodile.
    -बला N. of a plant; महाबला च पीतपुष्पा सहदेवी च सा स्मृता Bhāva. P. (
    -लम्) lead. ˚ईश्वरः N. of a Liṅga of Śiva near the modern Mahābaleśwara.
    -बाध a. causing great pain or damage.
    -बाहु a. long-armed, powerful. (
    -हुः) an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -बि(वि)लम् 1 the atmosphere.
    -2 the heart.
    -3 a water-jar, pitcher.
    -4 a hole, cave.
    -बिसी a variety of skin (चर्म), a product of द्वादशग्राम in the Himālayas.
    -बी(वी)जः an epithet of Śiva.
    -बी (वी)ज्यम् the perinæum.
    -बुध्न a. having a great bottom or base (as a mountain).
    -बुशः barley.
    -बृहती a kind of metre.
    -बोधिः 1 the great intelligence of a Buddha.
    -2 a Buddha.
    -ब्रह्मम्, -ब्रह्मन् n. the Supreme Spirit.
    -ब्राह्मणः 1 a great or learned Brāhmaṇa.
    -2 a low or contemptible Brāhmaṇa.
    -भटः a great warrior; तदोजसा दैत्यमहाभटार्पितम् Bhāg.
    -भद्रा N. of the river Gaṅgā.
    -भाग a.
    1 very fortunate or blessed, very lucky or prosperous.
    -2 illustrious, distinguished, glo- rious; उभौ धर्मौ महाभागौ Mb.12.268.3; महाभागः कामं नरपतिरभिन्नस्थितिरसौ Ś.5.1; Ms.3.192.
    -3 very pure or holy, highly virtuous; पतिव्रता महाभागा कथं नु विचरिष्यति Mb.4.3.16.
    -भागता, -त्वम्, -भाग्यम् 1 extreme good fortune, great good luck, prosperity.
    -2 great excel- lence or merit.
    -भागवतम् the great Bhāgavata, one of the 18 Purāṇas. (
    -तः) a great worshipper of Viṣṇu.
    -भागिन् a. very fortunate or prosperous.
    -भाण्डम् a chief treasury.
    -भारतम् N. of the celebrated epic which describes the rivalries and contests of the sons of Dhṛitarāṣṭra and Pāṇḍu. (It consists of 18 Parvans or books, and is said to be the composition of Vyāsa; cf. the word भारत also); महत्त्वाद्भारतत्वाच्च महाभारतमुच्यते
    -भाष्यम् 1 a great commentary.
    -2 particularly, the great commentary of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini.
    -भासुरः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -भिक्षुः N. of Śākyamuni.
    -भीता a kind of sensitive plant (लाजाळू).
    -भीमः an epithet of king Śantanu.
    -भीरुः a sort of beetle or fly.
    -भुज a. long-armed, powerful.
    -भूतम् a great or primary element; see भूत; तस्यैतस्य महाभूतस्य निःश्वसितमेतद्यदृग्वेदः Up.; तं वेधा विदधे नूनं महाभूतसमाधिना R.1. 29; Ms.1.6.
    (-तः) 1 the Supreme Being.
    -2 a great creature.
    -भोगः 1 a great enjoyment.
    -2 a great coil or hood; great winding.
    -3 a serpent. (
    -गा) an epi- thet of Durgā.
    -मणिः 1 a costly or precious jewel; संस्कारोल्लिखितो महामणिरिव क्षीणो$पि नालक्ष्यते Ś.6.5.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -मति a.
    1 high-minded.
    -2 clever. (
    -तिः) N. of Bṛihaspati or Jupiter.
    -मत्स्यः a large fish, sea-monster.
    -मद a. greatly intoxicated. (
    -दः) an elephant in rut.
    -मनस्, -मनस्क a.
    1 high-minded, noble- minded, magnanimous; ततो युधिष्ठिरो राजा धर्मपुत्रो महामनाः Mb.4.1.7.
    -2 liberal.
    -3 proud, haughty. (-m) a fabulous animal called शरभ q. v.
    -मन्त्रः 1 any sacred text of the Vedas.
    -2 a great or efficacious charm, a powerful spell.
    -मन्त्रिन् m. the prime-minister, premier.
    -मयूरी N. of Buddhist goddess.
    -मलहारी a kind of Rāgiṇi.
    -महः a great festive procession; Sinhās.
    -महस् n. a great light (seen in the sky).
    -महोपाध्यायः 1 a very great preceptor.
    -2 a title given to learned men and reputed scholars; e. g. महामहो- पाध्यायमल्लिनाथसूरि &c.
    -मांसम् 'costly flesh', especially human flesh; न खलु महामांसविक्रयादन्यमुपायं पश्यामि Māl.4; अशस्त्रपूतं निर्व्याजं पुरुषाङ्गोपकल्पितम् । विक्रीयते महामांसं गृह्यतां गृह्यतामिदम् 5.12 (see Jagaddhara ad loc.).
    -माघी the full-moon day in the month of Māgha.
    -मात्र a.
    1 great in measure, very great or large.
    -2 most excellent, best; वृष्ण्यन्धकमहामात्रैः सह Mb.1.221.27; 5.22.37.
    (-त्रः) 1 a great officer of state, high state- official, a chief minister; (मन्त्रे कर्मणि भूषायां वित्ते माने परिच्छदे । मात्रा च महती येषां महामात्रास्तु ते स्मृताः); Ms. 9.259; गूढपुरुषप्रणिधिः कृतमहामात्रापसर्पः (v. l. महामात्यापसर्पः) पौरजानपदानपसर्पयेत् Kau. A.1.13.9; Rām.2.37.1.
    -2 an elephant-driver or keeper; मदोन्मत्तस्य भूपस्य कुञ्जरस्य च गच्छतः । उन्मार्गं वाच्यतां यान्ति महामात्राः समीपगाः ॥ Pt.1.161.
    -3 a superintendent of elephants.
    (-त्री) 1 the wife of a chief minister.
    -2 the wife of a spiritual teacher.
    -मानसी N. of a Jain goddess.
    -मान्य a. being in great honour with; मकरन्दतुन्दिलानामरविन्दानामयं महामान्यः Bv.1.6.
    -मायः 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 of Viṣṇu.
    -माया 1 worldly illusion, which makes the material world appear really existent.
    -2 N. of Durgā; महामाया हरेश्चैषा यया संमोह्यते जगत् Devīmāhātmya.
    -मायूरम् a particular drug. (
    -री) N. of an amulet and a goddess; Buddh.
    -मारी 1 cholera, an epidemic.
    -2 an epithet of Durgā.
    -मार्गः high road, main street. ˚पतिः a superintendent of roads.
    -मालः N. of Śiva.
    -माहेश्वरः a great worshipper of Maheśvara or Śiva.
    -मुखः a crocodile.
    -मुद्रा a parti- cular position of hands or feet (in practice of yoga).
    -मुनिः 1 a great sage.
    -2 N. of Vyāsa.
    -3 an epithet of Buddha.
    -4 of Agastya.
    -5 the coriander plant. (
    -नि n.)
    1 coriander seed.
    -2 any medicinal herb or drug.
    -मूर्तिः N. of Viṣṇu.
    -मूर्धन् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -मूलम् a large radish. (
    -लः) a kind of onion.
    -मूल्य a. very costly. (
    -ल्यः) a ruby.
    -मृगः 1 any large animal.
    -2 an elephant,
    -3 the fabulous animal called शरभ.
    -मृत्युः, -मेधः N. of Śiva.
    -मृत्युंजयः a kind of drug.
    -मृधम् a great battle.
    -मेदः the coral tree; महामेदाभिधो ज्ञेयः Bhāva. P.
    -मेधा an epithet of Durgā.
    -मोहः great infatuation or confusion of mind. (ससर्ज) महामोहं च मोहं च तमश्चाज्ञानवृत्तयः Bhāg.3.12.2. (
    -हा) an epithet of Durgā.
    -यज्ञः 'a great sacrifice', a term applied to the five daily sacrifices or acts of piety to be performed by a house-holder; अध्यापनं ब्रह्मयज्ञः पितृयज्ञस्तु तर्पणम् । होमो दैवो (or देवयज्ञः) बलिर्भौतो (or भूतयज्ञः) नृयज्ञो$तिथिपूजनम् ॥ Ms.3.7,71, (for explanation, see the words s. v.).
    -2 N. of Viṣṇu.
    -यमकम् 'a great Yamaka', i. e. a stanza all the four lines of which have exactly the same words, though different in sense; e. g. see Ki.15.52, where विकाशमीयुर्जगतीशमार्गणाः has four different senses; cf. also बभौ मरुत्वान् विकृतः समुद्रः Bk.1.19.
    -यशस् a. very famous, renowned, celebrated.
    -यात्रा 'the great pilgrimage', the pilgrimage to Benares.
    -यानम् N. of the later system of Buddhist teaching, firstly promul- gated by Nāgārjuna (opp. हीनयान).
    -याम्यः an epi- thet of Viṣṇu.
    -युगम् 'a great Yuga', consisting of the four Yugas of mortals, or comprising 4,32, years of men.
    -योगिन् m.
    1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 of Viṣṇu.
    -3 a cock.
    -योनिः f. excessive dilation of the female organ.
    -रक्तम् coral.
    -रङ्गः a large stage.
    -रजतम् 1 gold; उच्चैर्महारजतराजिविराजितासौ Śi.4.28.
    -2 the thorn-apple.
    -रजनम् 1 safflower.
    -2 gold.
    -3 turmeric; तस्य हैतस्य पुरुषस्य रूपं यथा महारजनं वासः Bṛi. Up.2.3.6.
    -रत्नम् 1 a precious jewel; वज्रं मुक्ता प्रवालं च गोमेदश्चेन्द्रनीलकः ॥ वैडूर्यः पुष्करागश्च पाचिर्माणिक्यमेव च । महारत्नानि चैतानि नव प्रोक्तानि सूरिभिः ॥ Śukra.4.155-56.
    -रथः 1 a great chariot.
    -2 a great warrior or hero; द्रुपदश्च महारथः Bg.1.4; कुतः प्रभावो धनंजयस्य महारथजयद्रथस्य विपत्तिमुत्पादयितुम् Ve.2; दशरथः प्रशशास महारथः R.9.1; Śi.3.22; (a महारथ is thus defined:-- एको दशसहस्राणि योधयेद्यस्तु धन्विनाम् ॥ शस्त्रशास्त्र- प्रवीणश्च विज्ञेयः स महारथः ॥).
    -3 desire, longing; cf. मनोरथ.
    -रवः a frog.
    -रस a. very savoury.
    (-सः) 1 a sugar- cane.
    -2 quicksilver.
    -3 a precious mineral.
    -4 the fruit of the date tree.
    -5 any one of the eight substan- ces given below:-- दरदः पारदं शस्ये वैक्रान्तं कान्तमभ्रकम् । माक्षिकं विमलश्चेति स्युरेते$ष्टौ महारसाः ॥ (
    -सम्) sour ricewater.
    -राजः 1 a great king, sovereign or supreme ruler; पञ्चाशल्लक्षपर्यन्तो महाराजः प्रकीर्तितः Śukra.1.184.
    -2 a respect- ful mode of addressing kings or other great personages (my lord, your majesty, your highness); इति सत्यं महाराज बद्धो$स्म्यर्थेन कौरवैः Mb.
    -3 a deified Jaina teacher.
    -4 a fingernail. ˚अधिराजः a universal emperor, para- mount sovereign. ˚चूतः a kind of mango tree.
    -राजिकः N. of Viṣṇu.
    -राजिकाः (m. pl.) an epithet of a class of gods (said to be 22 or 236 in number.).
    -राज्यम् the rank or title of a reigning sovereign.
    -राज्ञी 1 the reigning or chief queen, principal wife of a king.
    -2 N. of Durgā.
    -रात्रम् midnight, dead of night.
    -रात्रिः, -त्री f.
    1 see महाप्रलय; ब्रह्मणश्च निपाते च महाकल्पो भवेन्नृप । प्रकीर्तिता महारात्रिः.
    -2 midnight.
    -3 the eighth night in the bright half of Āśvina.
    -राष्ट्रः 'the great kingdom', N. of a country in the west of India, the country of the Marāṭhās.
    -2 the people of Mahārāṣṭra; the Marāṭhās (pl.). (
    -ष्ट्री) N. of the principal Prākṛita; dialect, the language of the people of the Mahārāṣṭra; cf. Daṇḍin:-- महाराष्ट्राश्रयां भाषां प्रकृष्टं प्राकृतं विदुः Kāv.1.34.
    -रिष्टः a kind of Nimba tree growing on mountains.
    -रुज्, -ज a. very painful.
    -रुद्रः a form of Śiva.
    -रुरुः a species of antelope.
    -रूप a. mighty in form.
    (-पः) 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 resin.
    -रूपकम् a kind of drama.
    -रेतस् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -रोगः a dangerous illness, grievous malady; (these are eight:-- उन्मादो राजयक्ष्मा च श्वासस्त्वग्दोष एव च । मधुमेहश्चाश्मरी च तथो- दरभगन्दरौ ॥).
    -रौद्र a. very dreadful. (
    -द्री) an epithet of Durgā.
    -रौरवः N. of one of the 21 hells; Ms.4.88-9.
    -लक्ष्मी 1 the great Lakṣmī, or Śakti of Nārāyaṇa; सेवे सैरिभमर्दिनीमिह महालक्ष्मीं सरोजस्थिताम्.
    -2 a young girl who represents the goddess Durgā at the Durgā festival.
    -लयः 1 a great world destruction.
    -2 the Supreme Being (महदादीनां लयो यस्मिन्).
    -लिङ्गम् the great Liṅga or Phallus. (
    -ङ्गः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -लोलः a crow.
    -लोहम् a magnet.
    -वंशः N. of a wellknown work in Pali (of the 5th century).
    -वक्षस् m. epithet of Śiva.
    -वनम् a large forest in Vṛindāvana.
    -वरा Dūrvā grass.
    -वराहः 'the great boar', an epithet of Viṣṇu in his third or boar incarnation.
    -वर्तनम् high wages;
    -वल्ली 1 the Mādhavī creeper.
    -2 a large creeping plant.
    -वसः the porpoise.
    -वसुः silver; Gīrvāṇa.
    -वाक्यम् 1 a long sentence.
    -2 any continuous composition or literary work.
    -3 a great proposition, principal sentence; such as तत्त्वमसि, ब्रह्मैवेदं सर्वम् &c.
    -4 a complete sentence (opp. अवान्तरवाक्य q. v.); न च महावाक्ये सति अवान्तरवाक्यं प्रमाणं भवति ŚB. on MS.6.4.25.
    -वातः a stormy wind, violent wind; महावाता<?>तैर्महिषकुलनीलैर्जलधरैः Mk.5.22.
    -वादिन् m. a great or powerful disputant.
    -वायुः 1 air (as an element).
    -2 stormy wind, hur- ricane, tempest.
    -वार्तिकम् N. of the Vārtikas of Kātyāyana on Pāṇini's Sūtras.
    -विडम् a kind of factitious salt.
    -विदेहा N. of a certain वृत्ति or condition of the mind in the Yoga system of philosophy.
    -विद्या the great lores; काली तारा महाविद्या षोडशी भुवनेश्वरी । भैरवी छिन्नमस्ता च विद्या धूमवती तथा । बगला सिद्धविद्या च मातङ्गी कमला- त्मिका । एता दश महाविद्याः... ॥
    -विपुला a kind of metre.
    -विभाषा a rule giving a general option or alternative; इति महाविभाषया साधुः.
    -विभूतिः an epithet of Śiva.
    -विषः a serpent having two mouths.
    -विषुवम् the vernal equinox. ˚संक्रान्तिः f. the vernal equinox (the sun's entering the sign Aries).
    -विस्तर a. very extensive or copious.
    -वीचिः N. of a hell.
    -वीरः 1 a great hero or warrior.
    -2 a lion.
    -3 the thunderbolt of Indra.
    -4 an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -5 of Garuḍa.
    -6 of Hanumat.
    -7 a cuckoo.
    -8 a white horse.
    -9 a sacrificial fire.
    -1 a sacrificial vessel.
    -11 a kind of hawk. ˚चरितम् N. of a celebrated drama by Bhavabhūti.
    -वीर्य a. of great valour, very powerful.
    (-र्यः) 1 N. of Brah- man.
    -2 the Supreme Being. (
    -र्या) the wild cotton shrub.
    -2 an epithet of संज्ञा, the wife of the sun.
    -वृषः a great bull.
    -वेग a.
    1 very swift or fleet.
    (-गः) 1 great speed, excessive velocity.
    -2 an ape.
    -3 the bird Garuḍa.
    -वेघः a particular position of hands or feet (in the practice of Yoga).
    -वेल a. billowy.
    -व्याधिः f.
    1 a great disease.
    -2 a very bad kind of leprosy (black leprosy).
    -व्याहृतिः f. a great mystical word, i. e. भूर्, भुवस् and स्वर्.
    -व्रत a. very devotional, rigidly observing vows.
    (-तम्) 1 a great vow, a great reli- gious observance; a vow for not taking even water for a month; महाव्रतं चरेद्यस्तु Mb.12.35.22 (com. महाव्रतं मासमात्रं जलस्यापि त्यागः).
    -2 any great or funda- mental duty; प्राणैरपि हिता वृत्तिरद्रोहो व्याजवर्जनम् । आत्मनीव प्रियाधानमेतन्मैत्रीमहाव्रतम् Mv.5.59; क्रतौ महाव्रते पश्यन् ब्रह्मचारी- त्वरीरतम् N.17.23.
    -व्रतिन् m.
    1 a devotee, an ascetic.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -शक्तिः 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 of Kārtikeya.
    -शङ्कुः the sine of the sun's eleva- tion.
    -शङ्खः 1 a great conch-shell; पौण्ड्रं दध्मौ महाशङ्खं Bg.1.15; महाशङ्खमयी माला ताराविद्याजपे प्रिया Tantra.
    -2 the temporal bone, forehead.
    -3 a human bone.
    -4 a particular high number.
    -5 one of Kubera's treasures.
    -शठः a kind of thorn-apple.
    -शब्द a. making a loud sound, very noisy, boisterous.
    -शल्कः a kind of sea- crab or prawn; Ms.3.272.
    -शालः a great householder.
    -शालिः a kind of large and sweetsmelling rice.
    -शाल्वणम् ('great fomentation') N. of a remedy; Suśr.
    -शासन a.
    1 exercising great power.
    -2 whose commands are great; त्रैलोक्यघिपतित्वमेव विरसं यस्मिन् महा- शासने Bh.3.8.
    (-नम्) 1 the knowledge of Brahma as expounded in the Upaniṣadas.
    -2 great order of government.
    -शिरस् m. a kind of serpent.
    -शिवरात्रिः N. of a festival on the 14th day of the dark half of Māgha,
    -शुक्तिः f. a pearl-shell.
    -शुक्ला an epithet of Sarasvatī.
    -शुभ्रम् silver.
    -शूद्रः (-द्री f.)
    1 a Sūdra in a high position.
    -2 a cowherd.
    -3 an upper servant. (
    -द्री) a female cow-keeper. (
    -द्रा) a Śudra woman in a high position.
    -शून्यम् a particular mental condi- tion of a Yogin.
    -शृङ्गः 1 a species of stag.
    -2 the शरभ animal.
    -श्मशानम् an epithet of Benares.
    -श्यामा the Sissoo tree. (Mar. शिसवी).
    -श्रमणः 1 an epithet of Buddha.
    -2 a Jain monk.
    -श्लक्ष्णा sand.
    -श्वासः a kind of asthma.
    -श्वेता 1 an epithet of Sarasvatī.
    -2 of Durgā.
    -3 white sugar.
    -संहिता great combi- nation.
    -संक्रान्तिः f. the winter solstice.
    -सती a very chaste woman.
    -सत्ता absolute existence.
    -सत्यः an epithet of Yama.
    -सत्त्व a.
    1 noble.
    -2 very strong or powerful.
    -3 just, righteous.
    (-त्त्वः) 1 a large animal.
    -2 N. of Sākyamuni.
    -3 an epithet of Kubera.
    -संधिविग्रहः the office of the minister of peace and war.
    -सन्नः an epithet of Kubera.
    -सन्निः m. (in music) a kind of measure.
    -समुद्रः the great ocean.
    -सर्गः a great or completely new creation (after a complete destruction of the world).
    -सर्जः the bread- fruit or jack-tree.
    -साधनभागः a great executive officer.
    -सांतपनः a kind of very rigid penance; see Ms.11. 218.
    -सांधिविग्रहिकः a minister of peace and war.
    -सामन्तः a great vassal.
    -सामान्यम् the widest genera- lity.
    -सारः a kind of Khadira tree.
    -सारथिः an epithet of Aruṇa.
    -साहसम् great violence or outrage, great audacity.
    -साहसिकः a dacoit, highwayman, a daring robber.
    -सिंहः the fabulous animal called Śarabha.
    -सिद्धिः f. a kind of magical power.
    -सुखम् 1 great pleasure.
    -2 copulation. (
    -खः) a Buddha.
    -सुगन्धम् a fragrant unguent.
    -सुगन्धिः a kind of antidote.
    -सुधा silver; Gīrvāṇa.
    -सुभिक्षम् good times.
    -सूक्तः the composer of the great Sūktas or hymns of the 1th Maṇḍala of the Ṛigveda.
    -सूक्ष्मा sand.
    -सूतः a mili- tary drum.
    -सेनः 1 an epithet of Kārtikeya; महासेन- प्रसूतिं तद्ययौ शरवणं महत् Rām.7.16.1.
    -2 the commander of a large army. (
    -ना) a great army.
    -स्कन्धः a camel.
    -स्थली the earth.
    -स्थानम् a great position.
    -स्नेहः a combination of the 4 kinds of fat.
    -स्मृतिः the Ṣaḍaṅgas and Smṛitis; महास्मृतिं पठेद्यस्तु तथैवानुस्मृतिं शुभाम् Mb.12.2.3.
    -स्रोतस् n. the bowels.
    -स्रग्विन् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -स्वनः a kind of drum.
    -हंसः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -हविस् n. clarified butter.
    -हस्तः an epithet of Śiva.
    -हासः a loud or boisterous laughter, cachinnation.
    -हिमवत् m. N. of a mountain.
    -ह्रस्वा N. of a plant (Mar. कुहिली).

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > महा _mahā

  • 11 calabash

    а) бот.; = calabash tree калебасовое или горлянковое дерево (лат. Crescentia cujete)
    а) бот. тыква бутылочная, горлянка (лат. Lagenaria siceraria)
    gourd 2)
    3) калебас (сосуд, изготовленный из высушенного и выдолбленного плода калебасового дерева или тыквы-горлянки)
    gourd 3)
    4) курительная трубка, изготовленная из плодов горлянкового дерева или тыквы-горлянки
    5) шутл. башка, голова

    Англо-русский современный словарь > calabash

  • 12 स्थिर _sthira

    स्थिर a. [स्था-किरच्] (compar. स्थेयस्; superl. स्थेष्ठ)
    1 Firm, steady, fixed; भावस्थिराणि जननान्तरसौहृदानि Ś.5.2. स स्थाणुः स्थिरभक्तियोगसुलभो निःश्रेयसायास्तु वः V.1.1; Ku.1.3; R.11.19.
    -2 Immoveable, still, motionless; स्थिरप्रदीप- तामेत्य भुजङ्गाः पर्युपासते Ku.2.38.
    -3 Immoveably fixed; कालेनावरणात्ययात्परिणते यत्स्नेहसारे स्थितम् U.1.39.
    -4 Perma- nent, eternal, everlasting; कल्पिष्यन्ते स्थिरगणपदप्राप्तये श्रद्दधानाः Me.57; Māl.1.25.
    -5 Cool, collected, com- posed, placid, calm.
    -6 Quiescent, free from passion.
    -7 Steady in conduct, steadfast.
    -8 Constant, faithful, determined.
    -9 Certain, sure.
    -1 Hard, solid.
    -11 Strong, intense.
    -12 Stern, relentless, hard-hearted; अहो स्थिरः को$पि तवेप्सितो युवा Ku.5.47.
    -रः 1 A god, deity.
    -2 A tree.
    -3 A mountain.
    -4 A bull.
    -5 N. of Śiva.
    -6 N. of Kārtikeya.
    -7 Final beatitude or absolution.
    -8 The planet Saturn.
    -9 N. of certain zodiacal signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius).
    -रा 1 The earth; पितामहस्तामालोक्य विहस्तामस्थिरां स्थिराम् Śiva B.5.47.
    -2 A strong-minded woman.
    -3 The silkcotton tree.
    -रम् Steadfastness, stubbornness. (स्थिरीकृ means
    1 to confirm, strengthen, or to corrobo- rate.
    -2 to stop, make fast.
    -3 to cheer up, console, comfort; Ś.4.
    -4 To steel (the heart); Amaru. स्थिरीभू means
    1 to become firm or steady.
    -2 to become calm or tranquil.)
    -Comp. -अङ्घ्रिपः the marshy date-tree.
    -अनुराग a. firm in attachment, constant in affec- tion.
    -अपाय a. subject to constant decay.
    -आत्मन्, -चित्त, -चेतस्, -धी, -बुद्धि, -मति a.
    1 firm-minded, steady in thought or resolve, resolute; न च योगविधेर्नवेतरः स्थिरधीरा परमात्मदर्शनात् R.8.22.
    -2 cool, calm, dispas- sionate.
    -आयति a. lasting long.
    -आयुस्, -जीविन् a. long-lived, lasting. (-m.) the silk-cotton tree (Mar. सांवरी).
    -आरम्भ a. firm in undertakings, persevering.
    -कर्मन् a. persevering in action; न नवः प्रभुरा फलोदयात् स्थिर- कर्मा विरराम कर्मणः R.8.22.
    -कुट्टकः 1 a steady pulverizer.
    -2 a kind of common divisor (in algebra).
    -कुसुमः the Bakul tree.
    -गतिः the planet Saturn.
    -गन्धः the Champaka flower.
    (-न्धा) 1 the trumpet-flower.
    -2 the Ketakī plant.
    -छदः the birch tree.
    -छायः 1 a tree which gives shelter to travellers.
    -2 a tree (in gen- eral).
    -जिह्वः a fish.
    -जीवित a. long-lived.
    -जीविता the silk-cotton tree.
    -दंष्ट्रः 1 a snake.
    -2 Viṣṇu in his boar incarnation.
    -3 sound.
    -धामन् a. belonging to a strong race.
    -पत्रः the marshy date-tree.
    -पद a. firmly rooted.
    -पुष्पः 1 the Champaka tree.
    -2 the Bakula tree.
    -प्रतिज्ञ a.
    1 persisting in an assertion, obstinate, pertinacious.
    -2 faithful to a promise.
    -प्रतिबन्ध a. firm in opposition, obstinate; Ś.2.
    -प्रतिष्ठा fixed residence or abode.
    -फला a kind of gourd (Mar. कोहळा).
    -योनिः a large tree which gives shade and shelter.
    -यौवन a. ever youthful. (
    -नः) a kind of good or evil genius, a fairy.
    -रङ्गा indigo.
    -रागा a kind of curcuma (Mar. दारुहळद).
    -लिङ्ग a. having a a stiff virile organ.
    -वाच् a. one whose word may be trusted.
    -विक्रम a. taking firm strides.
    -श्री a. having everlasting prosperity.
    -सङ्गर a. faithful to a prom- ise, true, veracious.
    -सौहृद a. firm in friendship.
    -स्थायिन् a. remaining firm or steady, keeping per- fectly still (as in meditation).

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > स्थिर _sthira

  • 13 calabacera

    1 pumpkin or gourd-plant. (Botany)
    2 pumpkin plant, pumpkin, gourd plant, calabash tree.
    * * *
    * * *
    pumpkin, gourd

    Spanish-English dictionary > calabacera

  • 14 jicara

    ( jícara [xíkara] < Nahuatl xicalli 'cup made from a gourd')
       Clark: 1900s. Usually a vase or bowl, but Watts notes that it can also refer to tightly woven containers made and used by Apache Indians. Carlisle defines it as "a drinking cup made by cutting a gourd in half." Santamaría defines jícara as the fruit of the jícaro or calabash tree. It is a hard, solid fruit whose flesh and seeds are similar to those of a squash. He also notes that the term is also applied to a wide-mouthed hemispherical vessel made from the jícara fruit. It is generally painted with many colors, polished and engraved, and often blackened with smoke. By extension, the term is also used in Mexico to refer to any vessel primarily used for drinking hot chocolate. The DRAE concurs and adds that in Spain jícara often refers to an earthenware vessel used for drinking hot chocolate. Cobos glosses it as a chocolate mug or a cup made from cutting a gourd shell in half.

    Vocabulario Vaquero > jicara

  • 15 कटु _kaṭu

    कटु a. (
    टु or
    ट्वी f.)
    1 Pungent, acrid; (said of a rasa or flavour; the rasas are six; मधुर, कटु, अम्ल, तिक्त, कषाय, and लवण); कट्वम्ललवणात्युष्णतीक्ष्णरूक्षविदाहिनः । आहारा राजसस्येष्टा दुःखशोकाभयप्रदाः ॥ Bg.17.9.
    -2 Fragrant, exhaling strong odour; सप्तच्छदक्षीरकटुप्रवाहम् R.5.48.
    -3 Ill-smelling, having a bad smell.
    -4 (a) Bitter. This sense is found qiven to the words कटु and कटुक in Prākrit and later sanskrit works; cf. अतिकटुः कारवेल्लादिः अतितीक्ष्णो मरिचादिः; अमृततरङ्गिणी on Bg.17.9,-नीलकण्ठ gives the same sense.
    -5 caustic (words); Y.3.142. (b) Disagreeable, unplea- sant; श्रवणकटु नृपाणामेकवाक्यं विवव्रुः R.6.85.
    -6 Envious.
    -7 Hot, impetuous.
    -टुः 1 Pungency, acerbity (one of the six flavours).
    -2 N. of several plants.
    -टुः f. A medical plant (कटुरोहिणी).
    -टु n.
    1 An improper action.
    -2 Blaming, reviling, scandal.
    -Comp. -अङ्गः 1 the श्योनाक tree (Mar. टेटृ).
    -2 N. of the king Dilīpa.
    -उत्कटम् ginger.
    -उदरी N. of a plant (Mar. वाघांटी).
    -कन्दः, -दम् 1 ginger, the fresh root or the plant.
    -2 garlic.
    -कीटः, -कीटकः a gnat, mosquito.
    -क्वाणः the टिट्टिभ bird.
    -ग्रन्थिः, -थि n. dried ginger; so ˚भङ्गः, ˚भद्रम् dried ginger or ginger.
    -चातुर्जातकम् an aggregate of four pungent substances, as of cardamoms, the bark and leaves of Laurus Cassia and of black pepper.
    -छदः the तगर tree.
    - a. prepared from acid substan- ces.
    -तिक्तकः 1 the भूनिंब tree.
    -2 the शण tree.
    -तिक्ता = कटुतुम्बी.
    -तुम्बी a kind of bitter gourd.
    -तैलः White mustard; अभ्यङ्गः कटु तैलेन निर्वातस्थानबन्धनम् । Śālihotra of Bhoja 26.
    -त्रयम् a compound substance of ginger, black and long pepper.
    -दला = कर्कटी plant.
    -निष्प्लावः grain not inundated. (Mar. कडवा वाल).
    -पत्रः 1 N. of a medicinal plant (Mar. पित्तपापडा).
    -2 सितार्जक tree.
    -पत्रिका N. of a tree कारी.
    -पाक, -पाकिन् a. producing acid humors in digestion.
    -फलः a sort of cucumber. (
    -ला) N. of two plants, पटोल and श्रीवल्ली
    -बीजा long pepper.
    -भङ्गः, -भद्रः Dry ginger.
    -मञ्जरिका the अपामार्ग tree.
    -मोदम् a certain perfume.
    - a. having a harsh sound.
    (-वः) 1 a frog.
    -2 a harsh word or sound.
    -रोहिणी the कट्की plant.
    -विपाक a. producing acid humors in digestion
    -स्नेहः the mustard seed plant.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > कटु _kaṭu

  • 16 इन्द्रः _indrḥ

    इन्द्रः [इन्द्-रन्; इन्दतीति इन्द्रः; इदि ऐश्वर्ये Malli.]
    1 The lord of gods.
    -2 The god of rain, rain; cloud; इन्द्रो वरुणः सोमो रुद्रः । शं न इन्द्रो बृहस्पतिः Tait. Vp.1.1.1. Bṛi. Up.1.4.11.
    -3 A lord or ruler (as of men &c.). इन्द्रो- मायाभिः पुरुरूप ईयते Bṛi. Up.2.5.19. first or best (of any class of objects), always as the last member of comp.; नरेन्द्रः a lord of men i. e. a king; so मृगेन्द्रः a lion; गजेन्द्रः the lord or chief of elephants; so योगीन्द्रः, कपीन्द्रः.
    -4 A prince, king.
    -5 The pupil of the right eye.
    -6 N. of the plant कुटज.
    -7 Night.
    -8 One of the divisions of भारतवर्ष.
    -9 N. of the 26th Yoga.
    -1 The human or animal soul.
    -11 A vegetable poison.
    -12 The Yoga star in the 26th Nakṣatra.
    -13 Greatness.
    -14 The five objects of senses.
    -द्रा 1 The wife of Indra, Indrāṇī.
    -2 N. of a plant (मरुबक Mar. मरवा) [Indra, the god of the firmament, is the Jupiter Pluvius of the Indian Āryans. In the Vedas he is placed in the first rank among the gods; yet he is not regarded as an uncreated being, being distinctly spoken of in various passages of the Vedas as being born, and as having a father and a mother. He is sometimes represented as having been produced by the gods as a destroyer of enemies, as the son of Ekāṣṭakā, and in Rv.1.9.13 he is said to have sprung from the mouth of Puruṣa. He is of a ruddy or golden colour, and can assume any form at will. He rides in a bright golden chariot drawn by two tawny horses. His most famous weapon is the thunderbolt which he uses with deadly effect in his warfare with the demons of darkness, drought and inclement weather, variously called Ahi, Vṛitra, Śambar, Namu- chi &c. He storms and breaks through their castles, and sends down fertilizing showers of rain to the great delight of his worshippers. He is thus the lord of the atmosphere, the dispenser of rain, and governor of the weather. He is represented as being assisted by the Maruts or storm-gods in his warfare. Besides the thunderbolt he uses arrows, a large hook, and a net. The Soma juice is his most favourite food, and under its exhilarating influence he performs great achieve- ments (cf. Rv.1.119), and pleases his devout worshippers, who are said to invite the god to drink the juice. He is their friend and even their brother; a father, and the most fatherly of fathers; the helper of the poor, and the deliverer and comforter of his ser- vants. He is a wall of defence; his friend is never slain or defeated. He richly rewards his adorers, particularly those who bring him libations of Soma, and he is supplicated for all sorts of temporal blessings as cows, horses, chariots, health, intelligence, pros- perous days, long life, and victory in war. In the Vedas Indra's wife is Indrānī, who is invoked among the goddesses.
    *****Such is the Vedic conception of Indra. But in later mythology he falls in the second rank. He is said to be one of the sons of Kaśyapa and Dākṣāyaṇī or Aditi. He is inferior to the triad Brahmā, Viṣṇu and Maheśa (though in some places Viṣṇu is regard- ed as his younger brother, cf. R.14.59,15.4), but he is the chief of all the other gods, and is com- monly styled Sureśa, Devendra &c. As in the Vedas so in later mythology, he is the regent of the atmosphere, and of the east quarter, and his world is called Svarga. He sends the lightning, uses the thunderbolt and sends down rain. He is frequently at war with Asuras, whom he constantly dreads, and by whom he is sometimes defeated. The Indra of mythology is famous for his incontinence and adultery, one prominent instance of which is his seduction of Ahalyā, the wife of Gautama (see Ahalyā), and for which he is often spoken of as Ahalyā-jāra. The curse of the sage im- pressed upon him a 1 marks resembling the female organ, and he was therefore called Sayoni; but these marks were afterwards changed into eyes, and he is hence called Netra-yoni and Sahasrākṣa. In the Rāmāyana Indra is represented as having been defeated and carried off to Laṅkā by Ravaṇa's son called Meghanāda, who for this exploit received the title of 'Indrajit'. It was only at the intercession of Brahmā and the gods that Indra was released, and this humiliation was regarded as a punishment for his seduction of Ahalyā. He is also represented as being in constant dread of sages practising potent penances, and as sending down nymphs to beguile their minds (see Apsaras). In the Purāṇas he is said to have destroyed the offspring of Diti in her womb, and to have cut off the wings of mountains when they grew troublesome. Other stories are also told in which Indra was once worsted by Raja, gran- dson of Purūravas, owing to the curse of Durvāsas, and other accounts show that he and Kṛiṣna were at war with each other for the Pārijāta tree which the latter wanted to remove from Svarga, and which he succeeded in doing in spite of Indra's resistance. His wife is Indrāṇī, the daughter of the demon Pulo- man, and his son is named Jayanta. He is also said to be father of Arjuna. His epithets are numerous; mostly descriptive of his achievements, e. g. वृत्रहन्, बलभिद्, पाकशासन, गोत्रभिद्, पुरंदर, शतक्रतु, जिष्णु, नमुचिसूदन &c. (see Ak.I.1.44.47). The Heaven of Indra is Svarga; its capital, Amarāvatī; his garden, Nandana; his elephant, Airāvata; his horse, Uchchaiśravas; his bow, the rain-bow, and his sword, Paranja.].
    -Comp. -अग्निः the fire produced from the contact of clouds; ˚धूमः frost, snow; ˚देवता the 16th lunar mansion.
    -अनुजः, -अवरजः an epithet of Viṣṇu and of Nārāyaṇa (उपेन्द्र); तस्थौ भ्रातृसमीपस्थः शक्रस्येन्द्रानुजो यथा Rām.6.91.4.
    -अरिः an Asura or demon.
    -अवसानः a desert.
    -अशनः 1 hemp (dried and chewed).
    -2 the shrub which bears the seed used in jeweller's weight, (गुंजावृक्ष).
    -आयुधम् Indra's weapon, the rainbow; इन्द्रा- युधद्योतिततोरणाङ्कम् R.7.4,12.79; K.127.
    (-ध) 1 N. of the horse in Kādambarī (i. e. Kapiñjala changed into a horse).
    -2 a horse marked with black about the eyes.
    -3 a diamond. (
    -धा) a kind of leech.
    -आसनम् 1 the throne of Indra.
    -2 a throne in general.
    -3 a foot of five short syllables.
    -इज्यः N. of बृहस्पति the preceptor of gods.
    -ईश्वरः one of the forms of Śiva-liṅga.
    -उत्सवः a festival honouring Indra.
    - ऋषभ a. having Indra as a bull, or impregnated by Indra, an epithet of the earth. इन्द्रऋषभा द्रविणे नो दधातु Av.12.1.6.
    -कर्मन् m. an epithet of Viṣṇu (performing Indra's deeds).
    -कान्तः A class of the four-storeyed buildings. (Mānasāra 21.6-68).
    -कीलः 1 N. of the mountain मन्दर.
    -2 a rock.
    (-लम्) 1 the banner of Indra.
    -2 A pin, nail, bolt फालका भाजनोर्ध्वे तु तदूर्ध्वे चेन्द्रकीलकम् (Mānasāra 12.126). cf. also Kau. A.2.3.
    -कुञ्जरः Indra's elephant, Airāvata.
    -कूटः N. of a mountain
    -कृष्ट a. 'ploughed by Indra', growing exuberantly or in a wild state. (
    -ष्टः) a kind of corn produced by rain-water.
    -केतुः Indra's banner.
    -कोशः, -षः, -षकः, -ष्ठः 1 a couch, sofa, which is generally made up of covering pieces of perforated wooden planks; cf. अट्टालक- प्रतोलीमध्ये त्रिधानुष्काधिष्ठानं-इन्द्रकोशं कारयेत् Kau. A.2.3.
    -2 a platform.
    -3 a projection of the roof of a house.
    -4 A pin or bracket projecting from the wall (नागदन्त). A projection of the roof of a house forming a kind of balcony; Kau. A.24.
    -गिरिः the महेन्द्र mountain.
    -गुरुः, -आचार्यः the teacher of Indra; i. e. बृहस्पति.
    -गोपः, -गोपकः [इन्द्रो गोपो रक्षको$स्य, वर्षाभवत्वात्तस्य] a kind of insect of red or white colour; Śukra.4.157; K.1.
    -चन्दनम् the white sandal wood.
    -चापम्, -धनुस् n.
    1 a rainbow; विद्युत्वन्तं ललितवनिताः सेन्द्रचापं सचित्राः Me.64; Śi.7.4.
    -2 the bow of Indra
    -चिर्भटा A mild variety of Colocynth. The leaf is tripartite, rough and wrinkled. (Mar. कंवडळ, applied often as इन्द्रावण in the sense of vile, malignant, dark and hateful.)
    -च्छदः A neck- lace of pearls having 18 strings.
    -च्छन्दस् n. [इन्द्र इव सहस्रनेत्रेण सहस्रगुच्छेन च्छाद्यते] a necklace consisting of 1 strings.
    -जः N. of Vālī.
    -जतु n. Bitumen (Mar. शिलाजित).
    -जननम् Indra's birth.
    -जननीय a. treating of Indra's birth (as a work).
    -जा a. Ved. born or arising from Indra. Av.4.3.7.
    -जालम् [इन्द्रस्य परमेश्वरस्य जालं मायेव]
    1 the net of Indra. तेनाह- मिन्द्रजालेनामूंस्तमसाभि दधामि सर्वान् Av.8.8.8.
    -2 a weapon used by Arjuna; a stratagem or trick in war.
    -3 deception, cheating.
    -4 conjuring, jugglery, magical tricks; इन्द्रजालं च मायां वै कुहका वा$पि भीषणा Mb.5.16.55. स्वप्नेन्द्रजालसदृशः खलु जीवलोकः Śānti.2.2; K.15.
    -जालिक a. [इन्द्रजाल-ठन्] deceptive, unreal, delusive. (
    -कः) a juggler, conjurer.
    -जित् m. 'conqueror of Indra', N. of a son of Rāvaṇa who was killed by Lakṣmaṇa. [Indrajit is another name of Meghanāda a son of Rāvaṇa. When Rāvaṇa warred against Indra in his own heaven, his son Meghanāda was with him, and fought most valiantly. During the combat, Meghanāda, by virtue of the magical power of becoming invisible which he had obtained from Śiva, bound Indra, and bore him off in triumph to Laṅkā. Brahmā and the other gods hurried thither to obtain his release, and gave to Meghanāda the title of Indrajit, 'conqueror of Indra'; but the victor refused to release his prisoners unless he were promised immortality. Brahmā refused to grant this extravagant demand, but he strenuously persisted, and achieved his object. In the Rāmāyaṇa he is repre- sented to have been decapitated by Lakṣmaṇa while he was engaged in a sacrifice]. ˚हन्तृ or विजयिन् m. N. of Lakṣmaṇa.
    -ज्येष्ठ a. Ved. led by Indra.
    -तापनः the thundering of clouds.
    -तूलम्, -तूलकम् a flock of cotton.
    -दमनः the son of Bāṇāsura.
    -दारुः the tree Pinus Devadāru.
    -द्युति Sandal
    -द्रुः, -द्रुमः 1 the plant Termi- nalia Arjuna (अर्जुन).
    -2 The plant कुटज.
    -द्वीपः, -पम् one of the 9 Dvīpas or Divisions of the continent (of India).
    -धनुः N. of Indra's bow, the rainbow; स एकव्रा- त्यो$भवत्स धनुरादत्त तदेवेन्द्रधनुः Av.15.1.6.
    -ध्वजः 1 a flag raised on the 12th day of the bright half of Bhādra.
    -2 Indra's weapon; विस्रस्ताकल्पकेशस्रगिन्द्रध्वज इवापतत् Bhāg.1.44.22.
    -नक्षत्रम् Indra's lunar mansion फल्गुनी.
    -नेत्रम् 1 the eye of Indra.
    -2 the number one thousand.
    -नीलः [इन्द्र इव नीलः श्यामः] a sapphire; परीक्षाप्रत्ययैर्यैश्च पद्मरागः परीक्ष्यते । त एव प्रत्यया दृष्टा इन्द्रनीलमणेरपि ॥ Garuḍa. P.; R.13.54;16.69; Me.48,79.
    -नीलकः an emerald.
    -पत्नी 1 Indra's wife, शची.
    -पर्णी, -पुष्पा N. of a medicinal plant (Mar. कळलावी).
    -पर्वतः 1 the महेन्द्र mountain.
    -2 a blue mountain.
    -पुत्रा N. of अदिति.
    -पुरोगम, -पुरःसर, -श्रेष्ठ a. led or preceded by Indra, having Indra at the head.
    -पुरोहितः N. of बृहस्पति. (
    -ता) the asterism Puṣya.
    -प्रमतिः N. of the pupil of Paila and the author of some ṛiks of the Rv.
    -प्रस्थम् N. of a city on the Yamunā, the residence of the Paṇḍavas (identified with the modern Delhi); इन्द्रप्रस्थगमस्तावत्कारि मा सन्तु चेदयः Śi.2.63.
    -प्रहरणम् Indra's weapon, the thunderbolt.
    -भगिनी N. of Pārvatī.
    -भेषजम् dried ginger.
    -मखः a sacrifice in honour of Indra.
    -महः 1 a festival in honour of Indra.
    -2 the rainy season; ˚कामुकः a dog.
    -मादन a. animating or delighting Indra; ये वायव इन्द्रमादनासः Rv.7.92.4.
    -मेदिन् a. Ved. whose friend or ally is Indra; इन्द्रमेदी सत्वनो नि ह्वयस्व Av.5.2-.8.
    -यज्ञः (See इन्द्रमह and इन्द्रमख) श्वो$स्माकं घोषस्योचित इन्द्रयज्ञो नामोत्सवः भविष्यति Bālacharita I.
    -यवः, -वम् seed of the Kutaja tree.
    -लुप्तः, -प्तम्, -लुप्तकम् 1 excessive bald- ness of the head.
    -2 loss of beard.
    -लोकः Indra's world, Svarga or Paradise.
    -लोकेशः 1 lord of Indra's world, i. e. Indra.
    -2 a guest (who, if hospitably received, confers paradise on his host).
    -वंशा, -वज्रा N. of two metres, see Appendix.
    -वल्लरी, -वल्ली N. of a plant (पारिजात) or of इन्द्रवारुणी.
    -वस्तिः [इन्द्रस्य आत्मनः वस्तिरिव] the calf (of the leg).
    -वाततम a. Ved. desired by Indra. अस्मे ऊतीरिन्द्रवाततमाः Rv.1.6.6.
    -वानकम् A variety of diamonds. Kau. A.2.11.
    -वायू (du.) Indra and Vāyu. इन्द्रवायू उभाविह सुहवेह हवामहे Av.3.2.6.
    -वारुणी, -वारुणिका Colocynth, a wild bitter gourd cucumis colocynthis. (Mar. मोठी कंवडळ) किमिन्द्रवारुणी राम सितया कटुकीयते Laghu Yoga- vāsiṣṭha-sāra X. सौवर्चलं हरिद्रा च पिप्पली चेन्द्रवारुणिः । मूत्र- कृच्छ्रे प्रशंसन्ति पिण्डो$यं वाजिनां हितः ॥ शालिहोत्र of भोज 33.
    -वाह् a. carrying Indra.
    -वृक्षः the Devadāru tree.
    -वृद्धा a kind of abscess.
    -वैडूर्यम् a kind of precious stone.
    -व्रतम् Indra's rule of conduct; one of the duties of a king (who is said to follow इन्द्रव्रत when he distri- butes benefits as Indra pours down rain); वार्षिकांश्चतुरो मासान् यथेन्द्रो$प्यभिवर्षति । तथाभिवर्षेत्स्वं राष्ट्रं कामैरिन्द्रव्रतं चरन् ॥ Ms.9.34.
    -शक्तिः f. Indrāṇī, the wife of Indra, or his energy personified.
    -शत्रुः 1 an enemy or destroyer of Indra (when the accent is on the last syllable), an epithet of प्रह्लाद; इन्द्रशत्रो विवर्धस्व मा चिरं जहि विद्विषम् Bhāg.6.9.12. बलिप्रदिष्टां श्रियमाददानं त्रैविक्रमं पादमिवेन्द्रशत्रुः R.7.35.
    -2 [इन्द्रः शत्रुः यस्य] one whose enemy is Indra, an epithet of वृत्र (when the accent is on the first syllable). (This refers to a legend in the Śat. Br., where it is said that Vṛitra's father intended his son to become the destroyer of Indra, and asked him to say इन्द्रशत्रुर्वधस्व &c. but who, through mistake, accented the word on the first syllable, and was killed by Indra; cf. Śik.52; मन्त्रो हीनः स्वरतो वर्णतो वा मिथ्याप्रयुक्तो न तमर्थमाह । स वाग्वज्रो यजमानं हिनस्ति यथेन्द्रशत्रुः स्वरतो$पराधात् ॥
    -शलभः a kind of insect (इन्द्रगोप).
    -संजयम् N. of a sāman. Arṣeya Br.
    -संधा connection or alliance with Indra. तयाहमिन्द्रसंधया सर्वान् देवानिह हुव Av.11.1.9.
    -सारथिः 1 N. of Mātali.
    -2 an epi- thet of Vāyu, driving in the same carriage with Indra; Rv.4.46.2.
    -सावर्णिः N. of the fourteenth Manu.
    -सुतः, -सूनुः 1 N. of (a) Jayanta; (b) Arjuna; (c) Vāli, the king of monkeys.
    -2 N. of the अर्जुन tree.
    -सुरसः, -सुरा a shrub the leaves of which are used in discutient applications (निर्गुंडी).
    -सेनः N. of several men; of Bali; of a mountain; Bhāg.8.2.23.
    -सेना 1 Indra's missile or host.
    -2 Indra's army; Rv.1.12.2.
    -सेनानीः the leader of Indra's armies, epithet of Kārtikeya.
    -स्तुत् m.
    -स्तोमः 1 praise of Indra; N. of a particular hymn addressed to Indra in certain ceremonies.
    -2 a sacrifice in honour of Indra.
    -हवः invocation of Indra; भद्रान् कृण्वन्निन्द्रहवान्त्सखिभ्य Rv.9.96.1.
    -हस्तः a kind of medicament.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > इन्द्रः _indrḥ

  • 17 काकः _kākḥ

    काकः [कै शब्दकरणे-कन् Uṇ.3.43]
    1 A crow; काको$पि जीवति चिराय बलिं च भुङ्क्ते Pt.1.24.
    -2 (Fig.) A con- temptible fellow, base or impudent person.
    -3 A lame man.
    -4 Bathing by dipping the head only into water (as crows do).
    -5 A sectarial mark (तिलक).
    -6 A kind of measure.
    -7 N. of a Dvīpa.
    -का N. of several plants काकनासा, काकोली &c.
    -की 1 A female crow.
    -काकी see Mbh. on IV.1.63.
    -कम् 1 A multitude of crows.
    -2 A modus coeundi.
    -Comp. -अक्षिगोलकन्याय see under न्याय.
    -अञ्ची = काकजङ्घा q. v.
    -अदनी The Gunja plant.
    -अरिः an owl.
    -इक्षुः A reed.
    -उडुम्वरः, (-रिका) The fig-tree.
    -उदरः a snake; काकोदरो येन विनीतदर्पः Kavirāja; काकोदरसोदरः खलो जगति Bv.1.76.
    -उलूकिका, -उलूकीयम् the natural enmity of the owl and the crow; Mbh. on IV.2.14; Vārt.2. (काकोलूकीयम् is the name of the third Tantra in the Pañchatantra).
    -कङ्गुः -कङ्गुनी f. A kind of corn.
    -Comp. -कला N. of a plant.
    -चिञ्चा, -जङ्घा the Gunja plant.
    -चरित्रम् A part of the science of Omens based on the sound of crows.
    -च्छदः, -च्छदिः 1 a wag-tail.
    -2 a side-lock of hair; see काकपक्ष below.
    -जम्बुः A kind of rose-apple tree.
    -जातः the (Indian) cuckoo.
    -तालीय a. [काकताल-छ Mbh. on V.3.16] (anything) taking place quite unexpectedly and accidentally, an accident; अहो नु खलु भोः तदेतत् काकतालीयं नाम Māl.5; काक- तालीयवत्प्राप्तं दृष्ट्वा$पि निधिमग्रतः H. Pr.3; sometimes used adverbially in the sense of 'accidentally'; फलन्ति काक- तालीयं तेभ्यः प्राज्ञा न बिभ्यति Ve.2.15. ˚न्याय see under न्याय.
    -तालुकिन a. contemptible, vile.
    -तिक्रा, -तिन्दुका, -तुण्डिका different kinds of trees.
    -तुण्डम् A kind of head of an arrow (see फलम्). काकतुण्डेन वेध्यानां वेधं कुर्यात् Dhanur.66.
    -दन्तः (lit.) the tooth of a crow; (fig.) anything impossible or not existing; ˚गवेषणम् searching after impossibilities (said of any useless and unprofitable task).
    -ध्वजः the submarine fire; cf. और्व.
    -नासा, -नासिका, -नासिकी different kinds of trees.
    -निद्रा a light slumber (easily broken).
    -पक्षः, -पक्षकः side-locks of hair on the temples of boys and young men (especially of the Kṣatriya caste]; काकपक्षधरमेत्य याचितः R.11.1,31,42;3.28; U.3.
    -पदम् 1 the sign (
    ^) in Mss. denoting that something has been left out.
    -2 an incision in the skin. (
    -दः) a particular mode of sexual inter- course.
    -पुच्छः, -पुष्टः the [Indian] cuckoo.
    -पेय a shallow; काकपेया नदी Sk.
    -भीरुः an owl.
    -मद्गुः a gallinule water-hen, घृतं हृत्वा तु दुर्बुद्धिः काकमद्गुः प्रजायते Mb.13.111.22.
    -मर्दः, -मर्दकः a kind of gourd [Mar. कवंडळ].
    -माची, -चिका a kind of tree (Mar. कावळी)
    -मृगगोचरित a. following the manner of the crow in drinking, of the deer in eating and of the cow in making water; एवं गोमृगकाकचर्यया व्रजंस्तिष्ठन्नासीनः शयानः काकमृगगोचरितः पिबति खादत्यवमेहति स्म Bhāg.5.5.34.
    -यवः barren corn (the ear of which has no grain); यथा काकयवाः प्रोक्ता यथारण्यभवास्तिलाः । नाममात्रा न सिद्धौ हि धनहीनास्तथा नराः ॥ Pt.2.9. तथैव पाण्डवाः सर्वे यथा काकयवा इव Mb; (काकयवाः = निष्फलतृणधान्यम्).
    -रुतम् the shrill sound of a crow (considered as a sign of future good or evil under different circumstances);
    -रुहा a. kind of tree (Mar. बांडगूळ).
    -वन्ध्या a woman that bears only one child.
    -स्नानम् Bathing like a crow.
    -स्पर्शः 1 The touching of a crow.
    -2 A ceremony performed on the tenth day after a death, consisting in the offering of rice to crows.
    -स्वरः a shrill tone (as that of a crow).

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > काकः _kākḥ

  • 18 jícaro

    calabash, gourd, hollow gourd.
    * * *
    SM CAm, Méx
    1) (Bot) calabash tree
    2) (=plato) bowl
    * * *
    ( Méx)
    * * *
    m L.Am.
    BOT calabash

    Spanish-English dictionary > jícaro

  • 19 סכך I

    סָכַךְI (b. h.) to interlace, entangle; to be entangled, ramified.Denom. סֻכָּה. Hif. הֵיסֵךְ 1) to weave. Sabb.VII, 2 והמֵיסֵךְ and the work of the weaver. Y. ib. VII, 10c top משום מֵיסֵיךְ his act coming under the category of weaving; משום מֵיסֶכֶת her act coming Tosef. ib. VIII (IX), 2 המוסיך שלשהוכ׳ ed. Zuck. (corr. acc.) he who weaves three threads (on the Sabbath); a. fr. 2) (denom. of סֻכָּה) to hang over, shade. Ohol. VIII, 2; M. Kat. 5b אילן המיסך על הארץ a tree (with a seat of uncleanness on one of its boughs) throwing a shadow (forming a tent, cmp. אֹהֶל) over the ground; a. e.; v. סְכָכָה. 3) ה׳ רגליו to cross ones feet, euphem. for: to ease ones, self. Yoma III, 2. Y.Ber.IX, 14b bot.; a. e. Pi. סִכֵּךְ, סִיכֵּךְ 1) to cover with boughs, esp. to cover the festive booth ( Succah). Ber.62b (ref. to להסך את רגליו, 1 Sam. 24:4, v. supra) מלמד שס׳ עצמו כסוכה this intimates that he shaded himself (retired in a chaste manner) as in a booth. Succ.I, 4 הדלה … וס׳ על גבה if he trained a vine over the booth and put twigs over it. Ib. אין מְסַכְּכִים בו you must not use it for covering. Ib. 14b סִיכַּכְנוּ עלוכ׳ we covered a stable with them. Lam. R. to I, 17 (ref. to בסך, Ps. 42:5) לשעבר … ואילנות מְסַכְּכוֹתוכ׳; formerly I went up (to Jerusalem) with trees forming shades over my head; a. fr.Part. pass. מְסוּכָּךְ; f. מְסוּכֶּכֶת. Succ.8b ובלבד שתהא מס׳וכ׳ provided the Succah is covered according to law. Gen. R. s. 42 (ref. to עמק סכות, Ps. 60:8) עמק שהוא מס׳וכ׳ the valley which is shaded with trees. B. Bath.25b Ms. M., v. אַכְסַדְרָא. 2) to weave; to intertwine plants; to train a creeper over another plant. Men.97a (expl. יֻסַּךְ, Ex. 25:29) the tubes שמְסַכְּכִין בהןוכ׳ with which they interweave the show bread (which they lay crosswise between the loaves, to allow the air to pass through). Tosef.Kil.I, 6, v. סִיכּוּךְ. Y. ib. II, end, 28b (not; מסבכין). Lev. R. s. 14, end (ref. to Job 10:11 תשככני) סִכַּכְתַּנִי אינו אומר אלא תְּסוֹכְכֵנִי it does not say, Thou hast woven me, but, Thou shalt weave me (in the future world). 3) to form shade, to creep, intergrow. Y. Kil. l. c. דלעת מצרית שהיא מְסַכֶּכֶת the Egyptian gourd which creeps. Ib. שאין כולן מְסַכְּכִיןוכ׳ not all of them creep like the Egyptian gourd.

    Jewish literature > סכך I

  • 20 סָכַךְ

    סָכַךְI (b. h.) to interlace, entangle; to be entangled, ramified.Denom. סֻכָּה. Hif. הֵיסֵךְ 1) to weave. Sabb.VII, 2 והמֵיסֵךְ and the work of the weaver. Y. ib. VII, 10c top משום מֵיסֵיךְ his act coming under the category of weaving; משום מֵיסֶכֶת her act coming Tosef. ib. VIII (IX), 2 המוסיך שלשהוכ׳ ed. Zuck. (corr. acc.) he who weaves three threads (on the Sabbath); a. fr. 2) (denom. of סֻכָּה) to hang over, shade. Ohol. VIII, 2; M. Kat. 5b אילן המיסך על הארץ a tree (with a seat of uncleanness on one of its boughs) throwing a shadow (forming a tent, cmp. אֹהֶל) over the ground; a. e.; v. סְכָכָה. 3) ה׳ רגליו to cross ones feet, euphem. for: to ease ones, self. Yoma III, 2. Y.Ber.IX, 14b bot.; a. e. Pi. סִכֵּךְ, סִיכֵּךְ 1) to cover with boughs, esp. to cover the festive booth ( Succah). Ber.62b (ref. to להסך את רגליו, 1 Sam. 24:4, v. supra) מלמד שס׳ עצמו כסוכה this intimates that he shaded himself (retired in a chaste manner) as in a booth. Succ.I, 4 הדלה … וס׳ על גבה if he trained a vine over the booth and put twigs over it. Ib. אין מְסַכְּכִים בו you must not use it for covering. Ib. 14b סִיכַּכְנוּ עלוכ׳ we covered a stable with them. Lam. R. to I, 17 (ref. to בסך, Ps. 42:5) לשעבר … ואילנות מְסַכְּכוֹתוכ׳; formerly I went up (to Jerusalem) with trees forming shades over my head; a. fr.Part. pass. מְסוּכָּךְ; f. מְסוּכֶּכֶת. Succ.8b ובלבד שתהא מס׳וכ׳ provided the Succah is covered according to law. Gen. R. s. 42 (ref. to עמק סכות, Ps. 60:8) עמק שהוא מס׳וכ׳ the valley which is shaded with trees. B. Bath.25b Ms. M., v. אַכְסַדְרָא. 2) to weave; to intertwine plants; to train a creeper over another plant. Men.97a (expl. יֻסַּךְ, Ex. 25:29) the tubes שמְסַכְּכִין בהןוכ׳ with which they interweave the show bread (which they lay crosswise between the loaves, to allow the air to pass through). Tosef.Kil.I, 6, v. סִיכּוּךְ. Y. ib. II, end, 28b (not; מסבכין). Lev. R. s. 14, end (ref. to Job 10:11 תשככני) סִכַּכְתַּנִי אינו אומר אלא תְּסוֹכְכֵנִי it does not say, Thou hast woven me, but, Thou shalt weave me (in the future world). 3) to form shade, to creep, intergrow. Y. Kil. l. c. דלעת מצרית שהיא מְסַכֶּכֶת the Egyptian gourd which creeps. Ib. שאין כולן מְסַכְּכִיןוכ׳ not all of them creep like the Egyptian gourd.

    Jewish literature > סָכַךְ

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  • calabash tree — ▪ tree       (Crescentia cujete), tree of the family Bignoniaceae, 6 to 12 metres (20 to 40 feet) tall, that grows in Central and South America, the West Indies, and extreme southern Florida. It is often grown as an ornamental. The calabash tree… …   Universalium

  • sour gourd — noun 1. Australian tree having an agreeably acid fruit that resembles a gourd • Syn: ↑cream of tartar tree, ↑Adansonia gregorii • Hypernyms: ↑angiospermous tree, ↑flowering tree • Member Holonyms: ↑Adansonia, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • African calabash tree — Calabash Cal a*bash (k[a^]l [.a]*b[a^]sh), n. [Sp. calabaza, or Pg. calaba[,c]a, caba[,c]a (cf. F. Calebasse), lit., a dry gourd, fr. Ar. qar , fem., a kind of gourd + aibas dry.] 1. The common gourd (plant or fruit). [1913 Webster] 2. The fruit… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Calabash tree — Calabash Cal a*bash (k[a^]l [.a]*b[a^]sh), n. [Sp. calabaza, or Pg. calaba[,c]a, caba[,c]a (cf. F. Calebasse), lit., a dry gourd, fr. Ar. qar , fem., a kind of gourd + aibas dry.] 1. The common gourd (plant or fruit). [1913 Webster] 2. The fruit… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cream-of-tartar tree — noun Australian tree having an agreeably acid fruit that resembles a gourd • Syn: ↑sour gourd, ↑Adansonia gregorii • Hypernyms: ↑angiospermous tree, ↑flowering tree • Member Holonyms: ↑Adansonia, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Bottle gourd — Bottle Bot tle, n. [OE. bote, botelle, OF. botel, bouteille, F. bouteille, fr. LL. buticula, dim. of butis, buttis, butta, flask. Cf. {Butt} a cask.] 1. A hollow vessel, usually of glass or earthenware (but formerly of leather), with a narrow… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • monkey-bread tree — noun African tree having an exceedingly thick trunk and fruit that resembles a gourd and has an edible pulp called monkey bread • Syn: ↑baobab, ↑Adansonia digitata • Hypernyms: ↑angiospermous tree, ↑flowering tree • Member Holonyms: ↑Adansonia …   Useful english dictionary

  • From the Gourd of Xanth — See more characters of the Xanth series by Piers Anthony at List of Xanth characters. The Gourd is the headquarters of the Night Stallion where nightmares are made.Night StallionHe rules the Dream World inside the Gourd. Also known as Trojan and… …   Wikipedia

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